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Everything posted by Addy

  1. I vote Sean in to lay the next track and KH in to keep his eye on Postleperson ... just incase he takes his eye off the ball, again Anyway Lord of the Rings is on Sky now - time for more fantasy :clown
  2. Addy

    Troy Butler

    I heard he had joined the boys in blue ...
  3. Addy

    Troy Butler

    Shazzy whoever minted is - he has changed his location 3 times and his avatar twice !!! In 5 minutes!!!
  4. Addy

    Troy Butler

    Didn't he once ride for Oxford, and now lives in East Anglia?
  5. it's so embarassing - It's Reach For the Stars @ Oxo ...
  6. Sorry mate - I understand now ;-) Sorry I'm still confused :?
  7. "Kashmir" The version they were using was not the original Led Zep version - it was the later version that Jimmy Page did with Puff Daddy (as used in Godzilla) ... However tonight I notice they have changed the music to something more classical - perhaps Kashmir was costing them too much in royalties ? Can't think of any other reason for changing it ...
  8. Why did my gut feeling tell me that GB may regret not allowing Topinka win the joker ... A speedy recovery is not impossible ....
  9. Pardon I lost you there, Shazzy. To digress again - will you be there on the 16th, (10th tree on the right) :?:
  10. lol you have a lovely way with words Jo
  11. I hope he knows me well enough to know I'm just pulling his leg, preferably the one without the steel shoe ... :clown
  12. Hey Honey --- 3 points and recorded for posterity
  13. Well I'm looking forward to saturday btw I do approve of the introductory music - but would prefer the original Led Zep version, rather than the Godzilla - Puff Daddy version ... Oh and the riding between GB and Auz was brill ...
  14. I predict that alot of girls will be rooting for the Australian boys.
  15. Ahhh Easier for a promotor to enforce a contract ............
  16. £££££££££££££££££££££££££££ - Gem This top secret didn't take long to get out
  17. No, a good idea I think . How come that Steve Gibson doesn't post on here anymore. And some time since Barney and your uncle Ted have been on.
  18. leg trailer - just one thing - you are confusing me by calling yourself "LT". For two years now my brain has recognised "LT" as Lion Tamer (dear friend who nearly forgot me in Cardiff ). btw why you call yourself leg trailer - did you use to ride?
  19. Now that is very scary, Chris. That dreadful medical attitude compounds the nasty accident he experienced. GWS LD ~~~~~~~~~~ Re the fuel problem - Sullyrox gave me the impression, on Monday, that it was a management responsibility - anyone got anymore info on this?
  20. I concur with Bryce. perhaps we should move the irrelevant bits of this thread. All best wishes AD
  21. I wish you published your e-mail address, fluffy one, you had a bad day? btw Addict = Addicted to speedway. Just trying to inject a little humour. I personally feel life is too short to fall out . Hope you have a better day tomorrow
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