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Everything posted by Addy

  1. ajh - thats my birthday sorted ooh Pawprint you listen to those with experience
  2. oops that's a few more upset ... But to be serious, Statements backed up by facts are preferable and I think comments should be limited to those that you would not mind being said about yourself - and omit comments which you know will hurt or embarrass ...
  3. That's a bit of nifty foot/plane work Steve : snapshot Wed: BV Thurs: Alcohol quality testing meeting at Ippo Sat: RH Sun: GH Mon: BV
  4. A few of Belle Vuers are there already. Have a great time everyone. and Good Luck Johno and Crumpy
  5. Addy


    The Man lives in the long distant past - humour him Admit it Shaz - it was you wasn't it
  6. Agree Ozzyace Mind you I think he is quite cool now
  7. Nooooooo Waaaay Kev (Bet Waggy would agree with me) IMHO Crumpy is a much cleaner rider, also alot of very nice people count him as a friend. Lastly - you've experienced at first hand what a lovely wife he has - would he be able to keep a woman like Mel if he didn't have some thing special about him away from the work place .....
  8. Do you think the programme directors have scouts who suss out the the most attractive females prior to filming?
  9. & she's every bit as nice when you finally get to meet her. Agreed XXX I remember that memorable moment when we both leaned over the middle balcony at Cardiff. and momentarily, Cardiff experienced a near eclipse ...
  10. Yes Maggie. Perhaps the GPs should seek sponsorship by Kleenex, or similar Yes Shazzy
  11. Ah a man of considerable authority (bowing down in awe smilie)
  12. I guess that's the Archangel Crump you are refering to Addy? Well you weren't there so how can you comment? :?: Bunny & Gem Intro was brill lovely to see the old footage ... Star people Topinka performed tonight pity he couldn't equal it at BV :?
  13. Yawn yawn :roll: Do you really believe Nicki would put a member of his family through the fence just to win a GP :roll: For god's sake grow up and smell the roses :roll: Hey Mark, How's U? Well Shazzy was standing next to me at Eastie when a certain Mr. Crump burst through the wooden fence, injured, just near us ... We reckoned this was not his personal choice , but may have been at the persuasive power of a certain Mr. P. This kind of leaves an impression ... Pedersen roses - too many thorns ...
  14. Phil can we have an ironic tongue in cheek smilie please :roll:
  15. Thanks for telling me what I missed - I fell asleep
  16. But this just reduces the fine men in kevlars to commodities Do they not have preferences? Have they not tongues in their heads? Cut them , do they not bleed? (My guess is that this will go over the heads of several ...)
  17. Has anybody ever filled out a whole programme without making at least one mistake :?: I haven't. Hi LW I have a sneaking suspicion that your lovely daughter is faultless in the stats area. (Never seen Mr Smoothie make a mistake, either well not on a programme anyway :clown )
  18. See the third posting on this thread Addy :roll: :clown :roll: great minds think alike Must have missed that post whilst reading the multitude of others
  19. That puts riders in a very difficult position. It seems the majority of riders, and their clubs, will be negatively affected :x
  20. I wonder how many people asked for their money back :?: The people who travelled out there from the UK have much greater expenses than the cost of the ticket ...
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