bravenet connection cannot be made
I think that is very likely as plans were made in the early 1890's for the whole of Trafford Park to be made into a funfair, sports & pleasure gardens.
So it is very likely the idea and name came from Manchester
Joe's got a good Screen name
we are very nice here - but we do tease
Just our unique sense of humour, I guess ...
Hang around, you may like us ...
Where are you Kelvin? Fancy missing that one.
Thanks for that Gem - I was giving Suzannah a break because she's new, but now you've started me off.
Ohhhh Dear Suzanna ...
Not the best of starts
First you don't reply to his flood of e-mails -
and then you call him Kelvin ...
Even I've never called him Kelvin ....
Just one Sandman, who has a really bad problem with her eyesight.
Unfortunately I now resemble some of your mates. Blood shot eyes, thinning hair, teeth falling out, fat, ugly, fingers gradually dropping off. It's a shame but one just has to accept it and at least the dog doesn't notice.
Make that 2 Sandman ...
Very pretty
Ooh - your just getting me excited
Saw on the TV today - for sale 17 bed guest house in Margate for £250,000.
Sounds interesting -
if the eventide home developers don't get in there first :clown:
Oh, I forgot, I heard the Shell Grotto was on "Go For it" on Sunday Night.
I couldn't listen - it was just too much
It's all happening on the Planet Thanet ....
I saw this quite a few minutes ago -
but was unable to type a response - as I was doubled up crying with laughter...
As ever I am forever grateful to Joanne