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Everything posted by Addy

  1. Inbetween watching, an enjoying probably the best Cardif GP so far, I was in communication, via text, with several people. To best of my knowledge all were above 1st tier. and the majority view was we couldn't hear a word the man was saying. One of our party said this was a good thing .... others may have thought it -
  2. S'OK Pammie didn't pay for one drink all day ... and alll night ....... 12 noon approx (wasn't there at the time - was on a cruise with Peddie) 'till 4am (approx) Happy Birthday petal
  3. You know I was only saying today that the change in him is amazing - just think if we all abstained from alcohol, smoking, and ran around alot etc just think what a bunch of websliders we'd be Mind you - most of us don't have to ride bikes for a living Oh and Pammie - I was only joking about the alcohol abstinence
  4. That will be the Royal We - or are you really in 2 minds?
  5. Was good, was very good, shall add to this when I have come down from this terrific high Met lots and lots -and lots of lovely people - if I met you please e-mail me - I remember all of you but possibly not all your names.
  6. You should be very worried, given that there is no railway track on the Severn Bridge Better not let Kev or Gemini see that one. Sorry Jo, it's not your lucky day! Was - you didn't turn up
  7. We walked there - we stayed at the bay - very nice (good choice Pammie & family ) And we took a pre GP cruise around the bay - of course we were accompanied - by only the elite
  8. You must be made up Garf - really chuffed for you (and Kenneth too!). Take it you will be in attendance! Woooooo That's good news. We watched them have a nice chat on Monday at BV - well when I say we watched them Puk had his back to us - but luckilly SR spotted some of her mum's friends on the other side of the bar - who coincidently had a good vantage point. And some people go to Paris to view the Mona Lisa This was much more satisfying As you said, C-Hawk and Jemma, I'll have to come down to Oxford sometime
  9. Stayed there three years ago - very nice If I remember correctly the mini bar prices are not highly inflated - in fact they are probably the same as the main bar. Enjoy
  10. I'm with Pammie at the Holiday Inn, Cardiff Bay.
  11. I spotted that too ... I imagined a pre-programme Fawlty Towers type discussion ("Don't mention the war")
  12. It made me want to be sick just looking at it, it looked VERY nasty! Poor Scotty! Ouchhhhhh !!!
  13. Once again Addy, look at the winking smiley. Is that what it's doing - thought it had had a bad curry (Thought needed clarification some people won't have read yours and Gem's little thread) Thanks
  14. Point 1 - Not if I've had a few beers they couldn't Point 2 - Who are you kidding? Go on list them then. Point 3 - What the Alexander is obviate? (Lioness, can you help me on this one?) You know if you drank more irun brew you might not need to ask these Questions, Kevin. Point 1 - Yes I can believe that Point 2 - You haven't noticed? Point 3 - Now why didn't I buy you a dictionary for your birthday? ("Obviate" Clear away; get rid of; prevent)
  15. kevin - very serious they could wake you up ! Why not find a quiet hideaway with one of your many admirers and obviate the problem ...
  16. If that bike had landed on Greg he could have been very seriously injured. You know my opinion on a a certain person getting away with murder - but nice to see justice was done. Well done Greg
  17. We think alike Joe & Stoney = great team great riders great form
  18. That was a joke wasn't it? They are one and the same place I'll be with the other 28 block-booked web-sliders - sitting next to Norbold - if i can find where i've put my ticket
  19. Perhaps Terry R and friends could club together and buy him a box of tissues? Most of us know how to use them - perhaps instruction could be given to the World Champion if he has problems.
  20. I think we think alike Gem Nicki's nasal activities did not go unnoticed, neither did his wiping the sweat of his armpits and immediately using the same object over his face and head yuk.
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