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Everything posted by Addy

  1. Just like being at Oxford then Jo. She will get you for that Kevin
  2. You have a good time then Jo ? (Apols. if I've missed your appropriate post)
  3. Thanks for that Queen Bee. I have done some silly things in my time (haven't I Addy ) and standing outside the wrong hotel would probably be another thing I would do. Highly amusing I'd call them. I'm just glad you found out about there being 2 hotels of the same name in time Wishing you all a great time.
  4. I love that film - lets hope that Hans doesnt come into a lot of money and use it like they do
  5. If she can't get a pass for the whole weekend Tabs, she already has the offer of a lift to the ELRC - so come on, let's gang up on her. That sounds a great idea. Tabby If she can't get a full weekend pass - couldn't you extend your hospitality to her escort? It's a long way back to Kent and they would be able to have a drink and enjoy themselves before going home. I remember Poole is a great place to have fun at the ELRC
  6. This may appear unrelated but Just seen "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" - one of their concerns was the bad press they were getting on the internet ... You see what is put on the net is in permanent form - and legally once you've put it on the net - it's permanent - if you get my drift.
  7. I agree Norbold (My first comment about the incident.)
  8. Says it all really. Seems like a nice sensitive man too
  9. Yes Gem, I thought flash photography was banned - except for those with specific permission. Is that so at Poole ?
  10. i'm not missing the point (Nicholls has already done that tonight )... but the point i'm trying to make is that there are 3 others that didn't see the red light... just what was Nicholls seeing? i have a powerful auto-focus flash that produces the short bursts of red light, and i know what he says he saw, but the other 3 kept going Someone must know who the flasher is - Unfortunately I bet it's a Scotty fan ...
  11. I do think alot of people will agree with you there, Maggie
  12. Welllll could have been different. Well done the winners (I'm sure Midlo will pur you up)
  13. Nice to see the Penny has dropped Yes - joker could have played it earlier - and made life easier but hey ho
  14. Sullivan I reckon. I'm sure you must be missing a big smiley emoticon there. Drop Poole's highest averaged rider for a meeting round his recently adopted home track ?? If Sheilds struggles as badly as has been suggested around Poole, then I'd be tempted to bring in Boyce or Schlein - a big ask for either rider, but a challenge I'm sure both would relish. They could always go for Lyons I suppose - plenty of experience on that track this year Rico Obviously I wasn't joking Roo boy would have eaten them for dinner
  15. Can I just ask Why didn't Auz use the joker in the race where Auz were more than 6 down and Leigh was riding? - we all knew he would win
  16. Ahhhh Gem - think you got it on the bottom there - Could explain the chain
  17. My life will never be the same How could you be compared with Rod Stewart ? Now Hans or Puk .......
  18. Sullivan I reckon. Trouble is if Kenneth and Rory ride in the same races in the final - they might accidently find themselves team-riding -which they do so well
  19. Gem if the sun wasn't meant to shine on the virtuous then it shone on the others (I think we got ours before theirs) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  20. Sorry, thats not my style. I noticed ... ~~~~~
  21. Travis McGowan should be considered too - his form has been a revelation of late! Now KH be discreet
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