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Everything posted by chunky

  1. I remember one like that at a winter junior match between Hackney and Belle Vue. What made this one really bad was that the rider fell, got up, and was standing on the outside of the bend - and THEN he got run down by the guy behind him!
  2. Pretty much how my dad explained it to me; Ove just didn't budge, and Ivor paid the price... Agree 100%. I am VERY reluctant to claim that a rider intentionally tried to crock another. Most of the time they are just "wild", and "hairy", and the worst thing they can be accused of is "over-riding". Someone of whom I wasn't a fan (for obvious reasons), but I just came to accept that he wasn't always in full control - was Preben Eriksen.
  3. That's what scares me. I sit here reading match reports from the mid-to-late 70's, and it's amazing just how many we have lost. Certainly makes me feel old...
  4. Absolutely, Bob. He passed away in June 2018.
  5. Maybe Liverpool? At Stanley Stadium?
  6. Jim Holder was English, Bill Dickie, Andy Milne, James Logie, Bob McGregor, Jimmie Pinkerton, and Oliver Goodfellow were all Scottish. I will see if I can confirm the others.
  7. Hey, don't get TOO carried away, Tony! I was only born in 1962, so I'm not really old enough to actually remember them riding for us... My clearest memory of Sverre is from when he broke his arm in 1970 (Christer Lofqvist's debut).
  8. Well, we had two of those at Plough Lane!
  9. Oh, don't get me started on those bloody apostrophes!!! When I see signs like this - a greengrocer selling "apple's", I want to ask, "an apple's what?"
  10. Digressing for a moment, the worst spelling mistake for a place name I have seen was at a CD store. It was the CD of the funeral of Princess Diana, and the shelf divide read, "Diana - Princess of Whales"... I suppose that's what you get when Americans think that Wales is just a part of England... We have an interesting case of mis-spelling here in Cincinnati. There is a short side road running between two main roads; the sign at one end reads "LippLEman" while sign at the other end claims it is "LippELman"! Okay, back to speedway...
  11. Another one from a great era gone...
  12. I had a feeling he would have been on the "short list"...
  13. I've found nothing "official", but it seems that both were around the five feet mark.
  14. Johnny Chamberlain was also 4' 9". Jerzy Kowalski was another under 5 feet, I know, and so was Sam Nikolajsen. Obviously, there have been plenty of "short" riders, but I'm not sure how many have been exceptionally short (5' or less).
  15. Very sad. A brilliant rider who today, doesn't get anywhere near the credit he deserves.
  16. That's exactly what you have to do, mate! Trust me, it doesn't always come easy; sometimes you have to put some time and effort into it!
  17. I admit that you probably aren't as weird and warped as I am (very few are - or at least, few would admit that), but don't sell yourself short, Steve! You have a vast knowledge of riders over a long period of time, so all you have to do is think of the names!
  18. 1 - NOEL Johnson 2 - ANGEL Eftimov 3 - George MANGER 4 - HOLLY Nygren 5 - IVY Brown 6 - St-EVE Schofield 7 - Nobby TUR-KEY Joint Managers - Steve RIBBONS and BO Wirebrand
  19. 1 - Ivan MAGI 2 - Steve SANT-A 3 - CLAUS Lohmann 4 - Mike CAKE 5 - Alby GOLD-en 6 - FRANK-incense Smart 7 - Alan Far-MYRRH Manager - Arthur Chest-NUT-ley
  20. James Easter shouldn't be the team manager for a Christmas team, should he?
  21. You mean speedway riders can't race in their kitchens?
  22. I know the junior matches were introduced in the late 80's, but even so, I still considered them a "second half". I honestly can't remember exactly when we lost the "traditional" events (I'm getting old), so maybe it was even in the 80's?
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