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Everything posted by chunky

  1. I very much doubt it, seeing that only one of the above posters has even visited the BSF in the last few years, and even that was months ago...
  2. Did you only just discover that, or did you know previously?
  3. Is that on your phone? Does that come up with Google?
  4. John... There is a standard behaviour on online groups and forums, behaviour that everyone else can accept and abide by. Why do you not have to conform? And you wonder why you keep getting suspended? The guidelines posted here regarding quotes states "When quoting another post, kindly select only the words that specifically apply to your response." We had moved on from your initial post, therefore repeating that was totally irrelevant - as is the majority of your quoted material. This is the BRITISH Speedway forum, not the JOHN HYAM Speedway Forum. It is not up to you to change the way things are done, however special you think you may be... If you wish to start a new thread called, "Look at Me, I'm John Hyam!" please feel free. However, just remember that you are not a moderator either...
  5. Firstly - and I have told you this before - DO NOT QUOTE EVERY POST IN THE THREAD! You only need to quote the single post to which you are replying. Steve Bole rode in the Matchams Championship at Ringwood on August 3, 1952. He had three rides (2, 3, EF), and beat riders like Gil Goldfinch and Jim Chalkley.
  6. Thing is, a slower rider CAN win with superior trackcraft - which he hasn't developed yet.
  7. Just adding something, I thought Bewley was taking some really strange lines tonight.
  8. The strange thing is that he frequently gets into a good position coming out of the second bend, only to sit and watch as everybody goes past him like he's standing still... He obviously lacks speed, though, particularly when he's at the back.
  9. Again, they said it would take a few races for it to settle down. So, why didn't they give juniors a few laps first?
  10. Any streaming online for those of us with no TV available?
  11. No they don't! They may stick to one SECTION (such as "Years Gone By"), but that doesn't mean you have to post and repost the same information in multiple threads..
  12. You ask for it by keep promoting yourself! You need to stop posting - AND REPOSTING - the same stuff on different threads
  13. Damn you! I actually put "Justin Elkins E/F" earlier, then removed it...
  14. Last I heard he was still going strong. He turns up to occasional functions, I believe?
  15. Why don't you say how you really feel???
  16. I also think it is funny that Lawrence Hare rode for Exeter!!!
  17. John; why did you laugh at the post I made about Nigel Boocock?
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