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Everything posted by chunky

  1. John Titman also wore one in 1984. By then, the soft "monkey masks" had disappeared, but they were wearing rigid ones. Thinking about it, I don't recall Dave Jessup wearing a full-face helmet? After then, Ray Morton still wore open face...
  2. The fastest alive over the first 25 - Todd Wiltshire!
  3. We have been missing some info on Swedish riders, so that is great to find that out. I will update the list. Thanks again!
  4. Kinda makes sense, actually... Sid and Reg both retired at the end of 71. Maido went straight into management, with Reg taking a year off before coming out of retirement in 73. I do think Ron would have been a good choice.
  5. Just for bit of fun; Jason Crump is the YOUNGEST surviving world finalist, nearly three years younger than the next - Joe Screen. Yes, I now have the complete list of surviving world finalists...
  6. Nice to see five ex-Dons in the Top 16!
  7. Well, in light of recent information - thanks peeps - here is the updated list... 01 - Arthur Payne - 28/08/23 02 - Chum Taylor - 04/04/27 03 - Ian Williams - 04/08/31 04 - Ove Fundin - 23/05/33 05 - Dan Forsberg - 25/03/34 06 - Josef Hofmeister - 17/06/34 07 - Brian Crutcher - 23/08/34 08 - Mike Broadbank - 25/09/34 09 - Barry Briggs - 30/12/34 10 - Aage Hansen - 13/04/35 11 - Gote Nordin - 02/07/35 12 - Bob Andrews - 27/10/1935 13 - Reg Luckhurst - 11/11/193514 - Sverre Harrfeldt - 23/11/1937 15 - Leif Larsson - 16/02/1938 16 - Bjorn Knutson - 27/04/38 17 - Rick France - 12/07/1938 18 - Gunnar Malmqvist - 25/12/1940 19 - Andrzej Wyglenda 04/05/1941 20 - John Louis - 14/06/194121 - Jim Airey - 19/08/194122 - Bengt Jansson - 09/01/194323 - Anders Michanek - 30/05/194324 - Trevor Hedge - 30/08/194325 - Terry Betts - 15/09/194326 - Howard Cole 29/12/194327 - Martin Ashby - 05/02/194428 - Jan Simensen - 26/07/194429 - Zygfryd Friedek - 19/10/194430 - Jerzy Trzeszkowski - 10/01/194531 - Eric Boocock - 02/02/194532 - John Boulger - 18/06/194533 - Hasse Holmqvist - 18/06/194534 - Jim McMillan - 03/12/194535 - Soren Karlsson - 23/10/194636 - Ole Olsen - 16/11/194637 - Ray Wilson - 12/03/194738 - Doug Wyer - 16/08/1947 39 - Grigori Khlinovsky - 11/11/4740 - Egon Muller - 26/11/194841 - Christoph Betzl - 13/02/194942- Jiri Stancl - 18/11/194943 - Viktor Kuznetsov - 27/11/194944 - Georg Hack - 20/02/195045 - Marek Cieslak - 28/06/195046 - Alois Wiesbock - 31/07/195047 - Tommy Johansson - 21/10/1950 48 - Vladimir Gordeev - 30/11/195049 - John Titman - 26/01/195150 - Dag Lovaas - 25/02/1951 51 - Jan Verner - 03/03/1951 52 - Petr Ondrasik - 08/10/195153 - Phil Crump - 09/02/195254 - Henny Kroeze - 11/03/195255 - Valery Gordeev - 28/08/195256 - Dave Jessup - 07/03/195357 - Ales Dryml - 10/06/195358 - Scott Autrey - 09/07/195359 - Gordon Kennett - 02/09/195360 - Robert Slabon - 15/09/195361 - Peter Collins - 24/03/195462 - Larry Ross - 15/06/195463 - John Davis - 10/11/195464 - Finn Thomsen - 16/02/195565 - Mikhail Starostin - 24/02/195566 - Tommy Nilsson - 10/03/195567 - Jan Andersson - 07/05/1955 68 - Kai Niemi - 15/09/195569 - Jerzy Rembas - 18/04/195670 - Chris Morton - 22/07/195671 - Steve Bastable - 16/09/195672 - Bruce Penhall - 10/05/195773 - Karl Maier - 24/08/195774 - Roman Jankowski - 05/10/195775 - Bo Petersen - 21/02/195876 - Les Collins - 24/05/195877 - Mitch Shirra - 27/09/195878 - Michael Lee - 11/12/195879 - John Cook - 18/12/195880 - Dennis Sigalos - 16/08/195981 - Erik Gundersen - 08/10/195982 - Hans Nielsen - 26/12/1959
  8. Thanks for that, Jonas. Sad to hear...
  9. Like me. We had the papers delivered before I went to school, and I remember picking them up, and seeing the headline, "Speed Star Killed". Seems like yesterday, still...
  10. I still like the one from Family Feud: Q: Name a yellow fruit A: Orange
  11. When you have riders in their 50's and 60's racing - and still competing at the "top" level, I think that's a sign how few promising youngsters are coming through...
  12. I watch a lot of quiz shows, and I can't believe how many times they don't even listen to the question, and give a totally unrelated answer.
  13. I last saw Les at the British GP at Brandon four years before he passed, and it was heartbreaking to see...
  14. Yeah, well he wasn't really around for that long, and of course, we didn't have all the footage accessible back then. Sorry to say, most of the others were pre-Lohmann, or just too poor to receive any coverage! At least Klaus was decent...
  15. Okay, I hadn't really woken up when I responded! Still, that average would make him a heat leader today! EDIT: Just checked, and I didn't realise Einar only averaged 0.63 for you. Scored 3 points in 19 rides...
  16. You sure? Those were still the days where second strings averaged 5-6 points a match ..
  17. Don't know what you're complaining about. He averaged nearly three points a meeting for you!
  18. That is irrelevant. I don't necessarily like the current points system, but the winner of a GP SHOULD get the most points. There are better alternatives...
  19. Is it really a joke that the winner of the GP gets the most points?
  20. I remember a lot of the early Danes, like Godtfred Andreasen at Oxford, Erik Tilgaard (Newcastle), the Boghs, Kurt and Ernst, King's Lynn's Jan Henningsen, and Finn Thomsen's buddy at Wolves, Leif Berlin. Amazing to think that in those days, we needed a combined Norway/Denmark team as the Norwegians greatly outnumbered the Danes! Later on, we had world-beaters like Sheffield's Flemming Rasmussen, Rene Christiansen (Eastbourne), and the worst speedway rider most of us have seen, Claes Jensen. Surprised there is no mention of Klaus Lohmann above...
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