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Everything posted by chunky

  1. Could someone PLEASE answer our esteemed colleague? Someone? ANYONE? For if not, I fear numerous requests of a similar nature...
  2. Speaking personally, I am not "anti-gustix"; I am anti-stupidity, regardless of its origin. I know, I know, if that is the case, why am I on the BSF then???
  3. Personally, I think you should say how you REALLY feel. You shouldn't hold back on my account...
  4. So John, you believe your personal memories and self-promotion are of more interest to speedway fans than statistical accuracy and educated debate?
  5. 1) To gustix, apparently... 2) Does gustix consider that relevant? 3) Does gustix agree? 4) Does gustix consider that relevant? We are seemingly dealing with an individual who : 5) Thinks that people are only interested in modern speedway, yet he starts more threads on the "Years Gone By Forum" than the way of us combined. 6) Has no interest in, or real knowledge of, modern speedway himself, yet believes his views on the subject are valid. 7) Criticises others for digressions within a thread (although the digressions are invariably speedway-related), yet frequently introduces non-speedway items (stock cars, flat-track etc) into a thread when they are completely irrelevant. 8) Cannot even spell Dave Allan's name correctly. Steve
  6. So, judging by these comments of yours, can I deduce that : 1) You really have no idea of what you are or aren't posting? 2) Memory feature-type pieces are of more interest - and perhaps more valuable - than debatable subjects that require a response?
  7. Scooters I can understand. If Bomber is there, he would steal it, and see if it goes any quicker than his bikes! Of course, it might take him a time to get the setup right... I'll get me coat...
  8. I feel the same! About me, I mean! Having said that, there a few on the BSF who make me look happy and joyful...
  9. So what you are saying is that, if it's important to YOU, it is important; if it ISN'T important to you, then it's not worthwhile? In other words, you think people should be interested in your "memories", but not in accurate records of the sport? Does it matter if the majority of BSF users are only interested in present-time speedway? As long as they get the info that they want, then fine, but that doesn't mean that the rest of us - and there are quite a number of us - should be deprived of discussions here. That is why we have a "Years Gone By" forum. With ANY sport, I think that it is wonderful to have an accurate record of things, whether it is results, names, rules, or whatever. Anyway, if you are that worried about "majority vs minority", and that the majority should be the only ones to get what they want, then there shouldn't even be a bloody British Speedway Forum! I truly appreciate and value the efforts of those who attempt to provide detailed records... Steve
  10. That's it, blame me! Miserable git...
  11. The trouble is that while I respect the views of others, it doesn't mean that they are right - or have the right to stop others enjoying themselves. I know that sounds harsh, but there are of course places where people SHOULDN'T be loud and obnoxious, such as walking down the street, on a bus, in a quiet park etc. However, when you are at a sporting event, and you are supporting your favourites against the favourites of others, then it's all part of the fun! If you ban air horns, then where does it stop? Do we ban all noisemakers and instruments? Shouting and cheering can be loud. Do we ban them? Chants and war cries can annoy people. Do we ban them? Should we just restrict it to polite applause? I'm sure there are some miserable gits who would find THAT too much... When I were a lad on t' terraces, I rigged up a large programme board with four or five air horns all connected to a single can. Boy, I was loud, and the can used to last summat like four races! Okay, slight exaggeration, but you get my drift... Plus, I had a bugle (and I was pretty good on it, if I do say so myself!), and a very large and heavy bell. Not long after I moved to the US, some rotten manky bahsta' broke into my dad's garage and stole the lot! Thinking about it, judging by his comments above, it was probably The White Knight!!! What made it worse was that they stole all my fishing gear, including some very old and rare (and very valuable) rods, but I digress.... Steve
  12. What the hell is wrong with you??? This is SPEEDWAY we are talking about!!!
  13. As we have said, the old World Final system was never designed to showcase the best 16 riders in the world; the GP system is. There will always be the odd exception, but you can't argue with what we have. Who cares how old someone is, or how boring you may think his style is? If he earns the right to compete, then good luck to him! Iversen and Zagar both continually prove that they are good enough to be in the GP series...
  14. So true, and not just a case of "entertainment". Chucking youngsters in at the deep end - whether it's at the highest level, or even like when we had the compulsory junior in the BL - is a very dangerous game to play. It can actually destroy a career before it has started, by knocking all the confidence out of a person. It's okay saying that you need "experience", and that the only way to gain that experience is by competing, but if you are not avtually competitive, that can be very counter-productive. Remember, you can get "good" overnight, but you can't gain experience overnight... Steve
  15. Bobby was another one who had a weird mask (when he was at Swindon); I don;t recall anyone else having something similar. I think it had rigid cheek protection with a large nose vent/flap, but as you say, it did have large spots on it. He may have had a spotted scarf as well, but I certainly remember the mask. Steve
  16. I think that the most unusual thing about Martin's mask was the colour - it was white (or at least a light cream colour). This style - more form-fitting than the monkey mask - was used by several riders, including - as you say - Hedgehopper. Nigel Boocock was another one...
  17. You mean he's a crazy, psycho, axe-wielding homicidal maniac???
  18. Okay... Does anyone REALLY know what the role of "Team Manager" entails these days? I know it includes a generic, "be there for the riders, support them, and fight for them" ideal, but what else? Back in the day, it was the team manager's job to select riders for the World Team Cup, World Pairs, and numerous test matches. Now, we have just one event with three riders, and a couple of subs. Woffinden is a given. A fit Lambert is a given. Even though I am not a Cook fan, he is pretty much a given. So, we only have to worry about a couple of others, none of whom really stand out above the competition. Of course, there are the tactical decisions to be made during the meetings, but even then, these are minimal as the riders have their input. I'm not knocking anyone or anything, but it does seem that a manager's role is far removed from what it used to be. Sad... Steve
  19. Please feel free to discuss - until Sid gets back...
  20. I always find this an unanswerable question when you are friends with different riders; whoever you say, you feel guilty about not saying somebody else... So, to pick someone who isn't a friend, it's tough to choose between Mirac and Tommy. I never personally knew Ronnie, but my mum did. Steve
  21. You were working in a full-time speedway publicity capacity? Sounds like you also had a part-time job as a meteorologist!!! Steve
  22. I think it's new to a lot of us! Ironically, looking at a map, it would have only been about four miles from Matchams Park! Steve
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