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Everything posted by chunky

  1. We were talking about that on here recently! Yep, I was on that...
  2. That was the first thing that struck me, and when you watch videos on YouTube, you can really see it...
  3. Me too! This is what was so great about speedway back then; there were so many of us who would go several nights a week, and you never know who you would see - or where you would see them! My wife thinks it's crazy that I watch so many different speedway vids on YouTube - and I can say, "I was there!"
  4. Why? You thinking YOU might get a plaque??? I'm sure gustix and Sidney would help fund it...
  5. Thanks for the confirmation! Yeah, I'd seen pics of that house before...
  6. That's exactly what I mean! 446 Chester Road is the correct address, but it is listed as Woodford. However, I did find one reference to the postcode being "Bramhall South and Woodford". I also found an article stating that Ivan lived in Bramhall for a while, in addition to living in Chester Road.
  7. According to everything I've seen, it is most certainly a done deal. However, according to the Stockport.gov website, it is not his house in Bramhall. As Steve said, it is the one in Chester Rd in Woodford. Looking at different articles, there are some discrepancies - certainly as far as timelines - but the Stockport website lists the exact address.
  8. Oh, absolutely it's better outside! In fact, I think the ONLY time I have ever watched a meeting from behind glass was the last British GP at Hackney. And we couldn't see sh!t...
  9. That "club" (I can't remember what it was called now) used to be the prize bingo! My mum always went in there after the meeting for a couple of games.
  10. As a kid in the 60's and 70's, going up to the grandstand bar after the meeting was an autograph hunter's paradise. It wasn't just that night's riders either, but you would always find a collection of other riders in attendance. You couldn't take a step without recognising someone. Ah, those were the days...
  11. Yep, the one at the top of the first bend was right where the open terracing met the glass enclosure. I've often wondered when the stand closed - being a Pit Bend Loony, I never went anywhere else, and I honestly can't remember. Maybe checking some of the videos on YouTube will provide an answer.
  12. I knew I was forgetting one! Yeah, the Sportsman was at the entrance of the football club in Durnsford Rd.
  13. The Plough was the closest, right opposite the main entrance, and the White Lion (also called the Hare and Hounds) was only a few feet more distant, being on the corner of Summerstown. We used to use the Plough when we were picking up the coach to away meetings. Then the was The Corner Pin, a two minute walk down Summerstown. The Pin is the only one still operating as a pub.
  14. Just checked, and I hadn't seen that one before! Like you, I don't know those two on the ends, but the guy on the left looks vaguely familiar. Have to do some research, methinks...
  15. That's interesting! I'll check that out, as there can't be many team pics I haven't seen... Don't think I've ever seen Alan Stapleton either.
  16. That was the only major event I could find there.
  17. This was the Redcliffe Showgrounds, rather the the better known Brisbane "Ekka". Bill Goode was a speedcar driver who became promoter at Redcliffe. While there was some bike action at Redcliffe, I think that is more likely to be cars they were talking about.
  18. I agree, but it seems that it would have been okay for ONE bike, but not racing. A practice session would have got rid of the heavy grippy surface, wouldn't it?
  19. So, what are the answers? It is an option, but generally, you don't want to go round and take off the top surface. If it's okay for one rider, then send them out for a practice session before the meeting starts. That should produce a better surface, and even provide better racing from the start.
  20. Um, I think it's the trains or the book!
  21. As I said earlier, he won his first Golden Helmet on a Rudge, and the next two on an Indian. We also know he rode a Harley...
  22. Yeah, I mean an AFFORDABLE one, Steve! Strange thing is, I have an extensive book collection, mostly non-fiction. I was looking for a copy of Sir Thomas Beecham's autobiography, "A Mingled Chime". The cheapest I could find on Amazon was $80; I found a number elsewhere (various sites) that were less than $10! I ended up paying $8. I did find a copy of Elder's book (no longer available) for $60. Even if I can find one for $200-300, that is very manageable - and a helluva lot cheaper than forking out a grand!
  23. I agree 100%. At least there was racing in the US prior to 1928, which is why some of them went to Aussie, but I would question British riders going there. That 1925/26 comment I made last night, when he supposedly travelled with Cecil Brown and Eddie Brinck; I haven't found - as yet - any trace of Brinck appearing there that early, and the earliest mention I have of Brown is 1926. Yeah, I would LOVE to get a copy of "The Romance of the Speedway", but even if I can find one, it won't be cheap...
  24. That was Bob Sarkegian, who had an Indian dealership in San Diego. He was actually a pretty accomplished rider, often being mentioned alongside such legends as Ralph Hepburn, Jim Davis, and Ray Weishaar.
  25. You know, I actually wondered the same thing! Maybe that should be 1926/27 instead? Thing is, perhaps he hadn't actually taken up "speedway" at that point? The trouble with the bios on the Hall of Fame is that they aren't usually that detailed, certainly not enough for people like us! I've actually been trying tonight, to find more specifics on his non-speedway career..
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