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Everything posted by chunky

  1. Careful! You don't want "daft old duffer" to get you banned...
  2. I grew up regularly hearing the term for agents and the like as "Mr Twenty Percent", so yes, it's been common practice for years.
  3. I thought gustix may be able to help with this, but we'll have to wait until Tuesday...
  4. That was my first thought, but Yiannari is a Greek name, I believe...
  5. I apologise if I misled you, but I was trying to inject some humour into the situation! My comment clearly went over your head. Just saying that you should be careful what you wish for... I couldn't agree more about uptight miserable idiots on here. They make claims and accuse people (with no real foundation), and when you just ask them to explain what they mean, they are offended. The BSF is supposed to be for recreational purposes...
  6. Firstly, I wasn't the one that complained about somebody "having to have the last word" - and then posted a last word to say that... Defending a comment or post is not the same as defending an individual, and I'm sorry you cannot differentiate. I have been on the BSF for many years, and until this virus thread arose, I have had no interaction with Bwitcher at all, and I have no idea who he is. I just happen to feel the same way about the virus issues as he does (in particular the neglect of deaths from other ailments in much greater numbers). I also disagree (as others do) that Bwitcher's comment was directed at Ian's father, as was claimed.
  7. You need to think again... I have my own thoughts, and am quite happy to post them, whether others agree with them or not. The fact that you suspect that everybody who doesn't agree with you is a "clique member" says it all... Over to you for ANOTHER "last word"...
  8. If you won't like the answer, don't ask the question!
  9. I thought you got the ban because you ARE one!!!
  10. Oh yeah! Steve and Mick Hines got into it at Wimbledon once after an on-track collision... Generally though, I don't think he ever went looking for trouble.
  11. Serious question, John... What is it about people providing fact and real statistics that antagonises you so?
  12. I went to a grammar school in Surrey, so it was exactly the same for me. In fact, a school friend of mine (he was a couple of years older than me) was Ian Skinner, who captained the England youth team! The only football we had was the "Pupils vs the Masters" annual challenge...
  13. Having seen your post, I went back and checked that also. I do remember that now, and yes, I certainly agree that Bwitcher was referring to the flu. That also ties in with some of the comments I made a few hours ago.
  14. Gets away with what? Posting facts? And truth? Your comment above is pretty despicable also...
  15. That is why I pointed out that other things are "worse" than Covid-19, including the flu.
  16. BWitcher does come across as harsh sometimes, I will admit. However, reading exactly what you said above, I can see that he said exactly what I said in my post. I'm sorry for what you had to go through. However, it was no worse than what I went through watching my father die. Or what anyone else suffers in that situation. What he said was that, prior to your father's situation, you never gave a second thought to lung disease. Or to those who suffered and passed from it. That is what is happening now with Covid-19; people are scared, and think it's worse than anything else out there The trouble is that, because something happens so someone we love, we have a tendency to take it personally, and even make it personal. I get tired of people claiming that cancer is the worst thing. Cancer is no worse than any other ailment that causes suffering and death. Nor is lung disease. And before you say anything, I lost both parents and my grandmother to cancer. People say that losing someone you love is the worst thing in life. It's not, and the cause(s) of their death is irrelevant. The worst thing in life is watching someone you love suffer....
  17. Absolutely not. What he - and others of us (including me) is asking is this; Why is everybody so worried about a virus that, while it IS a major concern (and BWitcher has said that on many occasions), and the number of infections is extremely high, the fatalities are nowhere near the level of other common diseases/illnesses; diseases and illnesses to which the majority of people don't give a second thought? This isn't a competition. People don't need to claim that Covid-19 is worse (is causing more deaths) than the flu, than cancer, than heart disease. Because it isn't...
  18. Agree 100%. My wife is a Type 2 diabetic, and was rushed into hospital in a diabetic coma during the lockdown here. She was in a critical condition for several days. They kept her in for a couple of weeks, and even though she was "better" when she came home, they still hadn't been able to stabilise her levels completely. Twice I had to call an ambulance when she lost consciousness from sudden extreme drops, and she came close several other times. The big problem was that she needed to see an endocrinologist, but of course, under lockdown they weren't seeing anyone. So, I know how close I came to losing my wife during lockdown, and we can be sure there were plenty of people who weren't - and won't be - quite so fortunate.
  19. He wasn't the only one! You may also recall the incident at Plough Lane with Eric Broadbelt after he clashed with Johnsy? Broadbelt came back to the pits, and lashed out through the railings and hit Ian O'Neil...
  20. They CAN, but it doesn't mean they DO. You say that having backing and family DOES help, but a lot of the time it means nothing. Having successful family members in the sport can actually hinder you because of the pressure and expectations. Having followed a famous father into a sport, I can speak from experience. Anyway, what did family do for Steven Collins, John Grahame, Kym Mauger, etc? Dedication and desire is far more important, but it really comes down to mental strength and CONFIDENCE.
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