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Everything posted by Crooner

  1. I agree that the comments of 'go find something else to complain about' is both arrogant and from someone clearly inexperienced when it comes to being a fan of Stoke Speedway. Yes, there have been many emotional comments made from long suffering fans of Stoke who feel let down by the ability of the promotion to promote. Many, many suggestions have been made by supporters which could well have enhanced the profile of stoke and attracted more fans. And any forward thinking company would see their marketing strategy as paramount to their success. Stoke speedway doesn't seem to have one and if it does, it doesn't stick to it. That's unbelievable for a business that is called a promotion. The position of the club is in many people opinion purely down to the lacklustre, stuck in the 1980's style of promotion. A piece in the rag and the odd bit on the local radio will do the trick - well it hasn't worked. Subsequently, there aren't enough fans to pay the sums needed to run at the level it was. And this is a club with a healthier fan base than some of the more remote clubs in the PL, geographically, who perhaps can't count on a half decent away crowd. No-one associated with the NL should take it as a slur on them. But fans of a club dropping down will not view it positively, and nor should they have to. People should think about the fact that Stoke supporters have watched a team fester in 12/13 position year after year for a long time now while other supporters have clubs who deliver them successful league campaigns for the same money. And before the ' i don;t care who wins, i want the entertainment' brigade pipe up, at the end of the day, its a league where winning and final position matters. Thats the whole point. Otherwise speedway may as well be replaced by a circus if entertainment is the main factor.
  2. Good on you LC - (I do understand why you felt the need to respond, by the way) On the whole, I think most of us Stoke fans are a reasonable bunch. There have been a number of seasons where we have been also rans in the PL and that's got to a lot of fans. So to hear the news of running in a lower league has gotten to people even more, especially when the feel there is not enough proactive marketing being done to sustain PL racing. But, as you say, a bet a few reading/oxford/exeter/hull/bradford/liverpool/bristol/wimbledon etc fans would swap us in a heartbeat. you're right stoke aren't alone on the poor marketing front. Although I do find that incredible that when the core activity of a promotion must be to promote and sell their product, so many are inadequate at it. Throughout my career I've seen sales people who don't perform, get moved on. Its seems speedway promoters don't see themselves as sales people and don't get the pressure to be moved on. Still its their business, it's just a shame that so many peoples hopes and dreams and emotions rest on how well they run their business. Anyway, enjoy your visit to Loomer Road next year.
  3. Well I think you were making some interesting points, although that highlighted comment has taken the shine off. I'm glad you've sold you're company for a tidy sum. But try to remember back just a few short posts ago, when you, yourself said 'there's a recession on' Hardly the best way to endear yourself, by telling everyone how well you're doing currently, and how much more tax you pay, while most folk struggle to make a living (and before you think that comment in an envious one, it isn't. I just don't feel the need to get involved in that sort of a discussion) Defend yourself by all means, but that's a very arrogant response, and a little over the top. I've seen plenty of comments on various threads on this topic along the lines of ' there's just not the support out there' and others comments like it. I appreciate that times are tough for lots of companies at the moment, but that's no excuse for the lacklustre approach to promoting that has been norm at Stoke Speedway under the Tattum era. A promoter needs to promote (to sell) and whilst that seems obvious, there has been a distinct lack of proactive marketing done around Stoke. Too many times people in Stoke say ' i didn't know it was still there' and words to that effect. Many Stoke supporters have made excellent suggestions for finding new support that just don't turn to action. Its the promotions job to be forward thinking and go out and put themselves in front of a new fan base (not the fans). The clue is in the name 'Promotion' Had the supporters seen some of these activities given a go, then there would be much more understanding for the need to drop down. But there hasn't been and this reactive ' we'll do what we've always done. A report in the local rag, and a short clip on the radio and that'll do us' doesn't wash. Whilst lots of people have said they won't go,I think this is an emotional response. No-one wants to see stoke die, but I think many will need convincing that this promotion have turned over a new leaf in it's attitude to promoting. I want desperately to go into next season thinking that this has been a big wake up call for Stoke.
  4. Well I think you were making some interesting points, although that highlighted comment has taken the shine off. I'm glad you've sold you're company for a tidy sum. But try to remember back just a few short posts ago, when you, yourself said 'there's a recession on' Hardly the best way to endear yourself, by telling everyone how well you're doing currently, and how much more tax you pay, while most folk struggle to make a living (and before you think that comment in an envious one, it isn't. I just don't feel the need to get involved in that sort of a discussion) Defend yourself by all means, but that's a very arrogant response, and a little over the top. I've seen plenty of comments on various threads on this topic along the lines of ' there's just not the support out there' and others comments like it. I appreciate that times are tough for lots of companies at the moment, but that's no excuse for the lacklustre approach to promoting that has been norm at Stoke Speedway under the Tattum era. A promoter needs to promote (to sell) and whilst that seems obvious, there has been a distinct lack of proactive marketing done around Stoke. Too many times people in Stoke say ' i didn't know it was still there' and words to that effect. Many Stoke supporters have made excellent suggestions for finding new support that just don't turn to action. Its the promotions job to be forward thinking and go out and put themselves in front of a new fan base (not the fans). The clue is in the name 'Promotion' Had the supporters seen some of these activities given a go, then there would be much more understanding for the need to drop down. But there hasn't been and this reactive ' we'll do what we've always done. A report in the local rag, and a short clip on the radio and that'll do us' doesn't wash. Whilst lots of people have said they won't go,I think this is an emotional response. No-one wants to see stoke die, but I think many will need convincing that this promotion have turned over a new leaf in it's attitude to promoting. I want desperately to go into next season thinking that this has been a big wake up call for Stoke.
  5. after looking at that link and seeing that gaming international are the largest provider of greyhound and speedway facilities or whatever it is they do(can't remember the exact wording) it all seems quite positive that this would be the ideal opportunity to revive the knights, with experienced runners of speedway and greyhounds behind the development Have i missed something in thinking this to be potentially great news? I haven't heard any news about this until reading this thread and wondered why more hasn't been made it?
  6. I think it would be a great idea to revive defunct teams at their nearest track, if the locals could deal with watching a close rival team at their track. although i'm sure most speedway supporters would settle for seeing another team alive and kicking. it's such a shame to look on www.speedwayplus.co.uk and see so many old tracks no longer running. maybe the popularity of the sport will always mean speedway supporters are second class citizens in the battle for serious consideration to be given by local council to allow racing. speedway has a massive heritage in the uk, and I would love to see a few old race jackets (many i've never had the pleasure of watching) flying around our limited number of tracks, and lets hope more promoters are open to the idea if it gathers more momentum. anyway good luck to the likes of sunderland in making the first steps in a long and uncertain road to revival.
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