So the same self deluded individual is still going on about Nicholls being a serial failure. One question everyone has to ask is "What is the aim of every rider who competes in the Grand Prix". The answer is I reckon "To be World Champion".
Therefore everyone with the exception of Crump can be put in that category. Even Nikki P is a 3yr failure and Hancock a 9yr failure. Even Adams and his beloved Gollob have been a serial failure for a lot longer than Nicholls and neither of them will ever be World Champion.
However as BSI run the GPs, BSI rules state that the top 8(which include 7 failures) automatically go through - incl Gollob. But as BSI rules state they can nominate 4 other failures of their own choice, and as I have posted before, that WILL depend on the representations of the 4 leading speedway countries (Den/Swe/Pol/Eng), whether anyone likes it or not. It is their rules and their choice - simply put.
So the continual boredom of one individual going on about "integrity","shame","begging bowl" and other insults will continue I am sure.
Just remember - Tomasz Gollob, is one of, if not the greatest serial failure in the history of the Grand Prixs - FACT.