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Everything posted by tyke

  1. I'm amazed your amazed. It's what British speedway does.
  2. Exactly what I did this year. Took in the Warsaw & Gorzow GP's instead for pretty much what I'd have shelled out for Cardiff
  3. The last Greyhound race at Owlerton today was 13.59. So not sure the 5.30pm stacks up in this instance
  4. They'll be shoe horning fixtures in to October as usual. This having just run 3 times at home in June/July/Aug. (This one being the 2nd Off in that time frame) . British speedway yet again shooting themselves.
  5. Because as always with British Speedway, no one is accountable. Pass the buck
  6. Can't believe they've not buggered off, I'd of been out of there a while since. Pretty obvious they'll be no further racing 30 mins ago
  7. Which they won't, as they'll want to get their ad breaks in. That's without any start line shenanigans or any inevitable re-run's
  8. As a professional speedway rider, Id assume he'd rather ride than yak about it
  9. How does Ermolenko keep getting this gig. Embarrassing
  10. Ridiculous decision. Obviously the ref thought Gilkes just threw the bike on the deck while leading
  11. Thank you @racers and royals. Have purchased a ticket. How do I navigate to pay in the Kupbilet site ??? Ive been before so should know, but hitting a brick wall. Ticket is in my account, but cant appear to find the payment link . If anyone can help I'd be much obliged NB. Eventually found it and paid
  12. Open's fine on my Laptop, No issue https://britishspeedway.co.uk/22results/newcastle_03.04.22_res.pdf newcastle_03.04.22_res.pdf
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