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Everything posted by Ben91

  1. The likelyhood that the points limit will be 42.5 again is high as it has worked for the 3 years it has been in force, so speculation is no bad thing. What hurt us last year was declaring before we knew the rules on EL riders average conversion, Glasgow held out and used it to good effect with Pijper, whilst Newcastle got Robbo on a bargain average. If we announce any more signings before the AGM I will be disappointed though, unless they are mind blowingly good signings.
  2. Hoddesdon Mercury Twitter has confirmed that Neath, Nelson and Bowen all signed for the Rockets for 2012. Not a bad start to team building, as long as Bowen and Nelson start at reserve. No Paul Hurry please either!
  3. He was in my thinking when putting these couple of sides together, think he is on a 5.62 off he top of my head, could maybe go with him and Wells instead of Kildemand and Bowen in the first side, would have a little more strength in depth.
  4. Neath 8.22 Auty 7.85 Kildemand 6.94 Sitera 5.15 Bowen 4.85 Nelson 4.76 Bunyan 4.63 Total: 42.40 or: Neath 8.22 Auty 7.85 Frampton 7.47 Wells 6.01 Nelson 4.76 Bunyan 4.63 Garrity 3.49 Total: 42.43 Both would do a job, first team would benefit from Nelson starting at reserve, second side is stronger up top though and the reserves are still quality.
  5. That was my point, if signed with a view to being our second reserve, Luke could potentially spend time in the second string early doors, but once averages kick in, hopefully he would be our 7th averaged rider. If we go with Morley, Garrity or another 3 pointer then I don't believe we should retain him. However if we don't then I can see Luke having a good season as our number 7 because he will score shed loads at home. We can't carry 2 riders away, most teams will carry one reserve, we can't carry Luke and a 3 pointer.
  6. Agree regarding Luke being a good reserve but only if he is signed with a view to being second reserve. His points at home would certainly help from reserve, however if we go with Ben Morley and Luke in the side it is likely we will be too long in the tail on our travels for most of the year. Jason Bunyan is a rider we want to look at as he is on such an attractive figure and would start at reserve potentially.
  7. There is a difference between the leagues in that respect IMO, look at Glasgow this year, big hitter Screen, backed up with a solid top 5 and 2 decent reserves, when one moved up, the rider who came down the other way was just as effective. The same thing has happened with Edinburgh in the recent past. Rye's last two league winning sides were both built with at least one strong reserve too (Danny King in 05, Wuffy and Roynon in 07). Of the seven riders who finished the season Neath and Nelson are the only two who I would dread losing. Neathy seemed pretty confident last night that we will be challenging next season, so lets hope he knows something we don't!
  8. Where's this figure come from? Last EL greensheets have him at 7.40, which would convert to 12.33, even with Brit reduction he'd still be over 12. I'd rather take Olly Allen on a 10 odd average than Bridger. Though Bridger would certainly be a very exciting addition to the side, I just don't think on such a high average it'd be wise to bring him in. The formula that seems to work is having a strong number one and at least 1 strong reserve, we need to start with Nelson in a reserve berth ideally in my opinion.
  9. Could well be, I'm going for my last fix of the season and that is my only reason to go, if it's a 10 rider field I will not be impressed. I'm sure there's plenty of riders about who could ride if they were given advance notice!
  10. So the most important piece of information isn't even there, who are the replacements?...
  11. Nobody wants to lose speedway, however people need to have reason to go to meetings, Len pretty much said after releasing Doyley earlier in the year "it's my way or the highway" and not only have the fans voted with their feet, he has been proven wrong. There is no feelgood factor at Rye and that is not right, I used to wish time away until the next Rye meeting, this year I haven't as much as I love the club and the sport. As for the Ace of Herts, not announcing the field in advance is obviously going to effect the crowd, people will be going to watch Woffinden, Barker and Bridger and could end up with (no disrespect meant) Hazelden, Hopwood and Evans. It's not awe inspiring.
  12. All the best to Karl on his retirement, always thought he could have made it at a higher level than he ever reached, a very friendly, approachable rider. Shame we won't see him ride again for the time being.
  13. What a terrible, terrible line up. The Ace of Herts used to be a good indicator as to the riders we were looking at for the following season, 2004 is last decent one I can recall. Even a few Hawks to make it up to a 16 rider field would be better than the 12 rider format which is absolutely rubbish. Where were invites for Adam Roynon, Stuart Robson, Linus Sundstrom and other riders who the fans actually want to see? Things looked promising with the announcements of Tai, Bridger and Barker. Then it reverted back to standard cop out.
  14. It's not that big an issue, i'm looking forward to this, as long as it'll be a 16 rider field. Will be my last speedway action of 2011 so let's hope it doesn't disappoint!
  15. Very interesting points from Dean, maybe this is where the problem lies, it is clear to see a lot of the young British lads who come through are more interested on the image and the little girls who follow them because they are a 'speedway rider' rather than progressing in the sport itself, that's why many amount to no more than second half riders. If these lads were shown how to prepare their own bikes and how that can save them money then they may progress better and further in the sport. On the points limit, it does need lowering, it doesn't dillute the product, it just encourages the use of more three point riders, especially in teams who want to use a top rider or two.
  16. Running Rye and Lakeside NL teams separately will be better for crowds at both venues having a real home side to support whilst it means we gain another team in the NL numbers wise. Good luck to any Lakeside NL team if they do run a team at this level.
  17. Auto Correct on my phone unfortunately, still nice that you noticed
  18. How can you be involved with Speedway programmes with such terrible grammar and spelling? The Raiders nickname is a good one, the Cobras were christened that due to sponsorship and had some google clip art as a logo. Rye House Raiders or Rye House Cobras, what has a better ring to it? The last decent team to come out of Rye at NL level was the last Raiders side, hence their return being something to be excited about.
  19. Yet another poster who lives on history, I have no problem, unless the truth that the Hackney 'experiment' has been a failure is a problem.
  20. It probably will be, but change is needed or a lot of Rye fans won't be parting with their hard earned cash to watch each week.
  21. Yawn, this isn't a match thread. Teams are built for a season, not one or two trips to Sheffield. You beat our side with 4 reserves in it, congratulations.
  22. Will you stop about the bloody programme, it's all you hark on about. Lakeside may have branded the meetings as Hackney but they didn't fulfil all of those fixtures did they? The Hackney 'experiment' was no doubt a failure, both sets of promotions have to take some portion of the blame whilst of course on the flip side if people didn't want to go then no amount of promotion would have made them. I'm delighted that (as I suggested months ago) the Raiders nickname is coming back, it has certainly re-kindled my interest as the name means something to me and i'm sure other Rye fans will feel the same. I hope we go back to basics next year, track a team of youngsters and drop the admission prices so that the stadium has a crowd in it each week. I don't care if our NL team comes first or last, if we can bring some future stars through it will have done it's job.
  23. Hawkins, really? Lens not one to drop riders but he has to go over the winter. Agree regarding Frampton, though it'd be good to keep him. I fully expect to see Neath, Boxall, Bowen and Nelson too, though we need changes. As for a number one, we probably won't go sign one but if we we're to I wonder who we'd go for?
  24. It's early, I know but I'm bored on a Saturday afternoon and things are getting stale at Rye and need a shake up desperately. From this season's side, Neathy would be my only must keep rider for next year. Jordan, Steve and Tyson would also be worth keeping hold of. There could be good improvement in the latter two in particular. We should be making moves to try and sign Jason Garrity, whilst I'd like to see Adam Roynon or Jason Bunyan come in on averages they could no doubt increase. This would leave room to go out and get a decent number one as well. I've not done the maths, but it could look something like this: 1. 2. Nelson 3. Frampton 4. Boxall 5. Neath 6. Garrity 7. Bunyan/Roynon What are everyone's thoughts on who they would like to see at Rye next year?
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