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Ben91 last won the day on November 10 2023

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About Ben91

  • Birthday 07/13/1991

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    Rye House

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  1. Absolutely. Why would a top tier team be interested in a bang average second tier rider.
  2. Flint is improving, Vissing is a career six point man in the second division.
  3. If his entire season is fixated on one night he shouldn’t be racing.
  4. The big question is whether Thomsen will score more than a British two pointer would have. If the answer is no they could have used another two pointer and really had four “heatleaders.”
  5. Luckily the points gained in all the other heats count the same as those from heats 13 and 15.
  6. 2019 is four years ago. Not recent. Cook is a good signing for Workington. A former GP rider and one of the top men in the second tier on his day. Hopefully it’s his day more often than not next year, it will benefit everyone if it is.
  7. I think most people were aware at the time which makes it all the sadder. The promotion made a silly decision. The fans had to deal with the consequences (and still are sadly). Maybe more could have been done to help but that’s a subject for another time and place. The Facennas have done right by Glasgow. Their judgement so far appears to have been spot on. As you say, we don’t want to see another club go to the wall, I don’t think the custodians of Glasgow would be foolish enough to overstretch thankfully.
  8. Before the Facennas came in Glasgow speedway was on its uppers as far as I remember. They’ve pumped money in, smartened the place up and improved the track. If the Premiership is a step too far then it’s better for them to stick to Championship speedway which they can sustain than go bust in the short term because they wanted to race in the top tier. Don’t bite off more than you can chew being the moral of the story, it’s what happened at Rye House and now we have no team to support at all.
  9. Imagine all the hysteria here over not having announced more names and then they announce Bickley. There’d be a meltdown.
  10. I think the goal may have been for a third tier with no standalone clubs for a while. Arguably that has cost the sport Mildenhall and Kent as tracks and forced Workington to move up. Ironically the lowering of the points limit and stricter doubling up rules in the third tier could have made things more viable for those clubs and the likes of Buxton and the Isle of Wight. It would have opened up more team spots for young riders too.
  11. Only if they don’t want to have a chance of winning anything. The side so far doesn’t look as bad as it’s being made out to be. There’s certainly hope/scope for improvement from all of the bottom four. Having the right number one is important though. Buying Ben Morley for the price of Scott Nicholls isn’t the answer and that’s what’s being rumoured.
  12. They don’t give out prizes based on who uses the most of the team building limit at the start of the season. Wilson-Dean is pony. Anyone who signs him on that average would just be writing off their season before a wheel is turned.
  13. Lots of uproar over a name. Lots of whinging because it’s not a name that was used for three years in the 70s. I’ll remember to petition for any potential new Rye House teams to be called the Kart Raceway Cobras (used for a cup of coffee about 15 years ago) rather than the Rockets or something new.
  14. What’s the point of doing anything if years in the future the goal posts will be moved in hindsight.
  15. Could race every round at Plymouth and Zmarzlik would still win. Bloke needs no help, he’s the best to ever do it. (Apologies for the tangent from the topic)
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