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Everything posted by BrizHeathen

  1. Merry Christmas to everyone associated with our great sport. This time of year always reminds me of my childhood, where I would rush to the local papershop desperate for a copy of Speedway Star, I would scan furiously looking for results of test matches in Australia. These days things are much more sedate in this part of the world, after David Tapp's brief flirtation with the importation of World class riders, I am saddened to say that this great sport isn't making the progress it should, lets all keep our fingers crossed that one day the sport will once again attract huge crowds worldwide. Bring back the days of a full on British Lions tour, where the current day versions of Nigel Boocock and Peter Collins can battle it out with the locals. Cheers everyone.
  2. Yes I did hear about Big Andy's workout, he still sounded exhausted yesterday afternoon. I think he was counting the amount of times he had to open and close the gate...did he say 40 times?
  3. Hi Laurence, You won't know me from Dudley Wood, I was a youngster when your fine voice echoed around Dudley Wood. I do remember your involvement though. Unfortunately I won't be at Gosford next week, hope you enjoy the evening, shame you can't make it up this way. Enjoy your time in OZ. Weather forecast for the western Suburbs of Brisbane today is a hot and sunny 40 degrees..maybe a little too hot but whose complaining?
  4. Labrador should be the pick of the three, the Gold Coast circuit produces very good racing, hope your persuasive powers are top notch Sir Lunchalot, be nice to meet up if you can make it. As for the three round format, if what I hear is correct the rounds are very expensive to stage, so I hope the crowds come out in force, obviously the top riders attendance will help, lets hope what happens in rounds one and two only has a positive effect on round three.. Labrador is a small club and I'm quite delighted but surprised they are staging this meeting, a lot of hard work will be taking place behind the scenes so that they can cope with the extra people, should be a great night. I certainly hope the Jason Crump story isn't true. With a week between rounds I've got my fingers crossed that he'll wait until after the final round before departing these shores.
  5. Thanks Bryn. Sounds like a successful night. Congratulations to Marty, glad all the hard work payed off. By the way Bryn, are you heading up to Queensland this year?
  6. Unfortunately the three venues for the newly formatted Australian Championships are quite spread out, Mildura is the most difficult to get to and is a fair drive from the main centres. Gosford and Labrador are both reasonably close to Sydney and Brisbane respectively, however if you are travelling from Brisbane to Labrador and don't have a car a train to Helensvale is probably the best option, as Sir Lunchalot said flying into Coolangatta is a slightly better option. If anyone needs any assistance re Labrador send me a private message and I'll help out in any way I can. What are peoples thoughts on the new format for the Aussie Title? All three rounds are at smallish race tracks, Gosford and Mildura are similar to many euro circuits although Labrador is unique mainly because of its downhill run into turn three, in my opinion Labrador is definitely the pick of the three and the meeting there should be a classic, definitely the biggest event staged at the venue thus far.
  7. That is a very good team Wolf Man, but only three world champions compared to six. Not that you would judge riders purely on the fact that they had won a world championship though, Olsen and Ermerlenko were particularly good team men for Wolves. Cradley v Wolves (all time top 7) would be a close call, I think the Heathens would come out on top for old times sake though.
  8. Considering the fact that I now travel fair distances to watch mediocre riders my list would be endless. However I'll throw one or two names into the hat; Bruce Penhall, Erik Gundersen, Alan Grahame, Ole Olsen, kenny Carter, Michael Lee, Peter Collins, Phil Collins, Chris Morton, The Morans, etc, etc, I have to say I love speedway so much that I'd travel many miles and put my hands deep into my pockets to watch any half decent speedway.
  9. I know this is slightly off topic but I also remember the announcer at Wembley continually asking everyone seated on the bench seats on the home straight to move up prior to the 75 World Final. I found a John Louis rosette during one of the moves and my Mom asked me to give it to one of the Ipswich fans seated nearby.
  10. The run off to decide the series winner will go down in history as one of the most talked about races ever. I've watched it many many times and still can't say for sure if excluding Michanek was the correct decision. I was very young when this series took place but I can still remember my old man waking me up to watch the television coverage (the same coverage as the video which is available today) I also remember the meetings at Cradley between a combined Norway and Denmark team and Sweden. The very mysterious Russians also appeared at Dudley Wood, I remember because one of them tried to swap a badge with this tiny Black Country Kid, who was too scared to oblige. Some great memories of now defunct events. The Schwartz/Sigalos domination of the 1982 pairs Final. The 1982 England v USA test series. The Goldon Hammer at Cradley. The Internationale at Wimbledon. There are plenty more, wonder if we'll be talking about events that take place now in the same way twenty years on?
  11. Following the most naturally gifted, the best British rider, the best this and that. How about the toughest rider (on and off track), and I don't mean toughest to beat I mean tough as in "hard case. The few that instantly spring to mind are; Bruce Cribb (Although he's got a reputation as being a nice bloke) Arthur Browning Alan Wilkinson The late Billy Sanders Mitch Shirra Aramando Castagna Roman Matousek and the modern day tough nuts like Nicki Pedersen and the pocket bombshell Sean Wilson.
  12. Speaking of talented riders, as we were, two of the most talented I've ever seen (Penhall and Carter) were such a drawcard when appearing alone, the interest when they were involved in a meeting together was unbelievable. Oh for a rivalry like that now.
  13. Excuse my ignorance Shazzy but who was your uncle?
  14. Bee, I've heard many people say how good Booey was, personally I never saw him at his best, but his exploits and the impression he left here in Australia cannot be ignored, infact his exploits whilst leading the British Lions touring teams is legendary in these parts. Having said that I only remember Little Boy Blue in his latter days at Bristol etc, where he was a mere shadow of his former self, whereas the likes of Peter Collins and Dave Jessup more or less finished on a high.
  15. Some classic racing during this event over the years. My memories are of the long drive South after Cradley's traditional Monday morning fixture at the Shay. So racing at two of the most vastly different tracks in the UK within twelve hours.
  16. I'm a little too young to include the likes of Peter Craven, but based purely on what riders I have seen in action I'd say it would be between Peter Collins, Dave Jessup, and Kenny Carter, with the likes of John Louis Mike Lee and Malcolm Simmonds only slightly down the pecking order. Overall I'd say Peter Collins. Hopefully we'll be talking about Scott Nicholls in the same way in ten years time.
  17. I had the enormous pleasure of being introduced to Ronnie Moore by Ivan Mauger at my local Gold Coast track a couple of year's ago. Two of the worlds all time greats at a grass roots speedway venue...
  18. Its officilal, Kelly Moran is back, this story taken from the American speedwaybikes mailing list:- When I made my announcement a couple weeks ago regarding Kelly Moran's comeback, I am sure that some people were skeptical. Well I just wanted those who are interested to know that "The Jellyman" is officially back! Kelly is here in NY and rode for the first time in 11 years yesterday at Champion Speedway. After a slightly rocky start and several equipment adjustments, the former 3-Time World Number 4 and 2-Time US National Champion settled in a rode some smooth and fast laps. He had a huge smile on his face and is very excited about racing again and returning to form. Kelly is healthy and focused and wanted to thank the many people who are so behind him in his return. He can't wait to get riding again this Wednesday, when he will do some more training and testing. Old time fans might get a kick to know that he wore one of his old STP National Championship suits, although it was pretty tight. As a big fan of Kelly's it was quite a t hrill to see him do it and I was very happy for him as it is something he really needed to do for himself. He has been through a lot to get himself to the point where he could do it and it is really exciting for him. There is no doubt that this is great news for American Speedway amd probably bad news for his competition! Jason Bonsignore
  19. Not at all Gemini, Getting rid of the tape touching rule was another idea of the said promoter, although it never happened, he asked Ole Olsen about it prior to the Aust GP, Olsen told him that it was originally brought in to prevent cheating and the subject was dropped.
  20. Blackbird Road like the other Midland tracks that are now defunct is badly missed. Hard to believe that around twnety years ago, us Midlanders could go to Wolves on friday, Cradley (or Coventry if pushed) on Saturday, have Sunday off, then Brum on Monday and Leicester on Tuesday. all this without having to drive too far (Leicester was furthest, an hour and a half max) Great atmosphere in that home straight stand at Leicester. I remember the place errupting when Rolf Granstadt beat Bruce Penhall to win a last heat decider in 1980?
  21. Not sure where green helmet colours originated, but they have been used in Australia for quite a few years, mainly when the larger tracks stage six rider races, I've seen a few other colours used as well. But the biggest joke of all was when David Tapp decided to get rid of hemet colours completely for a full International Masters Series in OZ. Trying to follow a six rider race without helmet colours was not easy, despte Billy Hamill's idea of attaching a little flag to his helmet, changing the colours to match what helmet colour he would of had on.
  22. This followed; So the latest reports suggest kelly "IS" making a comeback as wwtbp originally stated. It will be interesting to see how he goes, although the American scene already has plenty of old hats from Kelly's era (Faria, Schwartz, MConnell) the old boys still seem to be able to do the business on the tiny tracks.
  23. Quite a few riders have made comebacks, it must be so difficult to say "thats it I've had enough" and finish whilst they are on top of there game. Its in there blood. Ronnie Moore's comeback was legendary, although I can't remember the full details. There are quite av few others who have kept going a little too long, its like me with the girls, I've had my day but I'm not sure if I know it yet..they do.
  24. You are correct, although sometimes its difficult to see this these days, no matter how good a rider is, he will have to find some serious money from somewhere to compete at the top level.
  25. On the handlebars I hope.
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