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Everything posted by cinderfella

  1. Perhaps the title Elite has come back to bite the authorities on the bum after them claiming the top division was the ELITE league a few years ago when in all reality it was not much better than the second tier due to about 85% of rider doubling up?
  2. It's sold out - 2500 tickets at £50 a head with no concessions. Nice little earner
  3. Probably not as some of the riders ride in the upper two leagues and it is classed as a shared event.
  4. Oh I seen them even with a yellow Trotters' Independent Trader participating. I was thinking more the speedway sidecar boys being let loose.
  5. 3 wheelers? Can just imagine our sidecar boys in a winner-takes-all destruction derby
  6. I'd be more concerned about the weather in Manchester on Monday lol
  7. It's a wonder the Poles don't have them racing on Polish Licences then and getting Polish passports. Poland have sadly become too dominant both on and off the track in the speedway world
  8. IF the date had been logged surely Dan would have known and not accepted the booking for the British Open (sorry Final) ?
  9. Perhaps the fact there is a World Championship Stock Car meeting with a crowd (paying £50 a ticket I believe) they need access to prepare the tracks etc.?
  10. Can anyone shed light on when the rule about "competing in your National Championship taking precedence over other meetings" actually changed or are the Poles just flexing their financial muscles?
  11. Mmm if the World Long Track in Poland is rained off on Sunday Monday is the rescheduled date so Chris Harris could miss out. Hope if that is the case they promote Dan Taylor from reserve and give him the same opporchancity as his brother. But knowing British Speedway they will probably call in Bewley, Jordan Palin or Leon Flint because of the BV connection.
  12. So could if Joe Thompson is dropped can Leicester fans ask for a refund and Ipswich fans for that matter?
  13. He was then was told(?) he had to ride for his Polish team
  14. Be totally unfair to expect Joe Thompson or anyone else to drop out
  15. Well i suppose with it being at Ippo they could run it as the old 16 lapper handicap and he would still win it by the country mile
  16. https://www.keepandshare.com/doc16/25046/british-champs-2020-1-pdf-811k?da=y
  17. I daresay a few teams are relying on the income from this season's season tickets being carried forward to next season but surely that means there will be a shortfall next season if they are using this season's money to pay these hidden costs now? things will certainly be different and I expect a few teams will be cutting their cloth accordingly.
  18. I won't be lol. I was speaking to a mate the other evening (on-line i may add) and he was talking about various league football teams around the UK saying this pandemic could lead to them going out of business in the next few months due to no spectators. Made me think that considering we constantly hear from speedway promoters of lack of cash that we haven't heard any claims of teams folding yet. I hope that remains the case but either finances aren't as bad as we hear they are or a lid is being kept on things.
  19. No matter what the meeting is called it is nothing more than an invitational meeting with contestants more than likely chosen with a calculator and phone book. As you say The British Final, along with the BLRC, lost all credibility years ago and that is reflected by the apathy of some riders. Sadly this pandemic has put the red lights on and if ever the sport had a chance of a total rethink, restructure and rebuild this is the time to do it. The Promoters' Conference should have a lot to discuss this year even though there has been no competitive racing. Time to move the sport forward.
  20. Do you know what a laydown is Baldyman or are you lucky enough to be still surrounded by Rudges, Douggies and JAPs?
  21. Is that why your little witch is sitting on a mushroom?
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