Well what a night.....
First off all we would like to Thank everybody for there help lastnight you were all fab,The fans for turning up and supporting such a worthwhile cause and the weather for eventually stopping raining.
We hope you all enjoyed yourselves because we sure did we cannot get over the amount of people that turned up.
For anyone who missed out on a Kids goodie bag we do apologise but those who did get them we hope you enjoyed them.
When we arrived at the stadium yesterday at 11am the track was perfect it was dry and we got on with setting up the stall the balloons and sorting out the raffle and auction items.
at about 12:30 it started to drizzle and panic set in a little bit but DT was adamant the meeting was going to go ahead.
The rain eventually stopped at about 15:30 and we did a sound check for the sound system for the speakers for the fireworks which we later found out you could hear across the road in the housing estate. lol.
Before we knew it riders were arriving and it was all systems go go go.
It was such an amazing feeling to see the terraces full,a crowd like that every week would be fab.
Finally Saturdays meeting would not have been possibe without all the sponsorship,Dave,riders,track staff,st john ambulance,Atlantic Balloons,Just magical, and of course YOU the fans and for that we simply cannot Thank you enough.
See you at the end of season Doo don't forget its free this year.
If we dont see you there then we will see you all next season.
Lisa and Sarah