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Everything posted by Knowle

  1. Using surnames only could be a throwback to the era such as the 1950s when professional sportsman were often referred to by their surname only.I even remember reading a pre-war Bristol programme where the promoter Mr Ronald Greene referred to one of his individual riders in such a manner e.g I had a word with Bloggs about his non-appearance at so and so track last week.
  2. Walked into the County Ground last week. Nothing has changed as far as I could see except floodlights missing,speedway office boarded up, stairs to grandstand blocked,centre green overgrown.Track shop sign still in situ.All looked rather sad. The detached house between Bronco Slade Motors and the entrance gates used to have the words 'Stadium House' painted on a panel above the door but these have disappeared. Years ago you could gain entry into the basement of the totalisator on the wall of which was a some sort of wiring diagram dating back to the 1930s.Was the totalisator ever used in connection with speedway racing? I seem to remember that the one at Knowle stadium in Bristol in the 1940s gave helmet colour finishing order of the previous race.
  3. Another great fence to hang over was at Eastville. On my first visit I could not believe how close you could get to the action having previously only been to tracks with greyhound tracks intervening. Happy days!
  4. Interesting article.With speedway riders being seen as "glamourous" it is not surprising that imposters could crop up from time to time. When Bristol was operating at Eastville in 1977/78 I understand that one of the staff claimed to be George Newton and was illustrated as such in contemporary literature. Maybe he really was the genuine article or it was a case of "the names the same". I also met a man at Exeter once who said his name was John Surman and he claimed to have ridden second half at Perry Bar in the 1940s although my then extensive programme collection did not support this. I think I will start a separate thread on the Years Gone By Feature on imposters although it could be a dodgy issue!
  5. Got a hunch its Fleetwood. Someone with an old Fleetwood programme could help as they often printed a detailed map showing stadium layout and surrouding streets togther with paybox entrances which appear to be shown in the photo.
  6. According to Peter Morrish"s Excellent book the result of the Metropolitan League match that year was 41-31 to Ipswich.
  7. Unbelievable! I bet you thought £ 411 was high Arnieg
  8. Eric Salmon who rode for Bristol in the 1940s and 50s died peacefully on 9th March aged 88. The death notice appeared today in the Daily Telegraph. Eric also promoted at Bristol in 1959/60 and Plymouth in 1961.
  9. In good condition they are worth £5.00 each except for the first meeting v Oxford which is worth £20.00. However I recently sold my copy of the first meeting programme on ebay and it achieved £31.00
  10. Knowle

    65 - 13

    I was at Knowle on 7/10/49 when Bristol beat White City 70 to14 and also was there the following week when the first 13 heats against Norwich were maximums by Bristol. 27 successive maximums or 28 if you include the last heat of the previous weeks meeting against New Cross. Beat that !
  11. iris123 Details of Wimbledon scorers 23/3/51 in riding order was Nornan Parker 1 ,Don Grey 7, Cyril Brine 12, Ernie Roccio 2, Ronnie Moore 4, Reg Trott 12, Jim Gregory res 4, Jack Wright res 1, Nick Nickolaides res (in place of programmed Craig Jones) 0, Johnnie Roccio res (ditto Cyril maidment ) 1. 10 man teams were used in the F.O.B. Trophy.
  12. Hello Bulldog 77/78 ref my post yesterday I must be getting confused in my old age ! It was of course Derek Hole who was thought to have left us , Johnnie Hole never went anywhere ! UP the (Bristol) Bulldogs ! Also I have just spotted a 1952 Wembley programme which says that Jack Mountford (not Eric Salmon) was related to the Holes by marriage. Confusion reigns!.
  13. Ernie and Johnnie Roccio and Nick Nickolaides rode for Wimbledon at Bristol on 23/3/51 in a Festival of Britain Trophy match. I was there and have the programme.! Manuel Trujillo was still going strong a few years ago when he was featured in the Vintage Speedway Mag. He rode at Bristol for a U.S.A. touring team pre war.
  14. hi bulldog 77/78 Vera Hole must be of the previous generation to Eric Salmon. No doubt Johnnie Hole would know now he is back in the land of the living! We badly need the Bulldogs back now that Reading have pinched the nickname!
  15. Hi Speedguy,I think that you are thinking of Eric Salmon who I believe was related to the Holes by marriage. There was also Roger Wise and Jack Mountford.
  16. Sorry bulldog but I got this info secondhand from a man called Colston who,like me,is a member of the Bristol Speedway Supporters Club and who lives in Bath and takes his car there. At our next meeting I will get more info .I was shocked to see post from BASIL please post any definate info.
  17. Dont know where Billy"s son Derek is now or for that matter any of the Eastville riders except that a second-halfer by the name of Richard Hodgson keeps a greengrocery shop on the Long cross in Lawrence Weston Bristol. The best bet to catch up with Johnnie Hole is to call in at the Midland Road Garage in Bath where you should find his uncle Johnnie Hole.If you do see either of them please ask if pre-war lady rider Vera Hole was related.Regarding the Eastville stars quite a few obviously live abroad however sadly the following are no longer with us; Tom Leadbitter,Soren Sjosten and Danny Kennedy. Saw Edger Stangeland being interviewed in the bar at Exeters last meeting-he now farms in Ireland and does a great irish accent!.
  18. Derek was the son of Billy Hole. I met him at a Radio Bristol broadcast from the (then) soon-to-be demolished Eastville Stadium. His uncle Johnny Hole is the sole surviving senior racing Hole and he was at Somerset for a reunion about 2 years ago. There was a lady called Hole racing pre-war. Any connection?
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