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Everything posted by dantodan

  1. George will be at the SGB/BSPA meeting this weekend I believe? So we should be put out of our misery soon
  2. I was looking for a more positive thread title but couldn't find one! So as the villain of this piece I am asking as follows: - We must be getting close now to the promoter's meeting, referred to, I believe by George over the mic. I didn't hear him on the microphone too well, as where i stand close to the 4th bend is often a children's playground. They were making such a din I could only catch the odd word George was saying. Is there a promoter's meeting and when is it? Just wondering how long it will be before we hear what the future has in store for us the Brough Park faithful
  3. No that team with Kenny Carter was 1978. But you are right to say "1982 team", coz 1982 Team had Ian Thomas (Promoter), Dave Younghusband (Manager), Alan Emerson, Tom Owen (Capt.), Joe Owen, Rod Hunter, Keith Bloxsome, Bobby Beaton and Robbie Foy, I believe this was the strongest Diamonds line up ever. Alan Emerson, Tom Owen, Joe Owen, Rod Hunter Bobby Beaton These 5 were in the league's heatleader class Keith Bloxsome was a high scoring reserve Robbie Foy was our other reserve I remember home matches went 5-1 followed by 5-1 etc but watching the team on away tracks was awesome. Our promoter was criticised by some for finding loop holes in the regs to assemble a team of heatleaders but really in the far off past when this awesome team were on track every track we visited had a bumper crowd because of the talent in the Newcastle side, so why criticise excellence when you are raking in much more cash through the turnstiles? I think the team building regulation averages we have now serves a useful purpose as we see closer scores and better racing than I remember when we were all conquering! But fingers crossed we operate in 2018 and we have a team like we had in 1982. It's all a matter of opinion which Newcastle Team was best but tell me a better line up than the above team
  4. I like the thread title but anyone who doesn't like it should exercise their forum rights and start a "positive thread title of their own" YAWN!
  5. The takings at the cafe under the grandstand must be considerable judging by the number of people with chips and burgers! Is it all profits to the landlords or does the speedway make anything from the sales? If the "dogs" (no not hotdogs!) pun intended, get the lion share, or all of it, perhaps this could be a bargaining "chip" another pun intended, when trying to get them to lower the rent to help speedway keep going. What date is the promoters meeting scheduled for?
  6. We have stared at the face of closure before: - 1930 (Don't know why it closed) 1939 (Due to 2nd world war, with the Diamonds top of the league) 1951 (Possibly due to the entertainment tax) 1970 (After losing Star Men Ivan Mauger & Ole Olsen) 1984 (After a disastrous season in the top flight) 1994 (Don't know why it closed) George English took the plunge as promoter in 1997 and has been there until 2017 and a lot longer I hope. Correct me if you can about any of our closures. Newcastle are now one of a handful of tracks who started at the beginning 1929 and are still operating in 2017
  7. Did you get wet Mike? I was way up in the grandstand keeping dry! What an incredible downpour. Never seen anything like it! Back to the unpleasant matter in hand. When is the meeting that George says he will put us out of our misery after?
  8. The last time I remember when we were faced with a possible close down was 2004/2005 we survived the winter without the bombshell dropping and I can remember enjoying season 2005 and the crowd was up a bit. The major event of season 2005 was a meeting rained off! The heavens opened and the rain poured down and forgot to stop. The track was quickly turned into a lake and the space at the front of the grandstand was like a river with a couple of youngsters in there doing a few swimming strokes! On the way home parts of walker were flooded. Do you remember that! Er! forgetting what the thread was about!! Well I suppose I could give an account of the worst rain-off in Brough's long history on the Newcastle page of the Defunct Tracks website if I have to do one perish the thought
  9. Tracks are closing. The biggest savings could be made by "taxing" riders by a pay cut to keep tracks open. After all if there are not enough tracks operating then some of the riders will have no-where to ply their trade. Surely BSPA must be putting Track Closures and Expenses at the top of their agenda for the management meeting coming up in November. I think the older promoters will be able to cast their minds back and draw on the decisions made donkey years ago to avoid closures then. We are in the hands of the promoters whom need to make some cost cutting rules to save the day
  10. How does a petition to the stadium owners to reduce the rent, signed by as many fans as possible, before we all go into hibernation sound? Probably a forlorn hope that they would help us cut our costs but "you don't get if you don't ask!" I am off now to join PaulS in the lottery ticket queue
  11. Can I suggest that this is the most appropriate thread for the next few weeks. Will we or will we not become a Defunct Speedway? We have to await the outcome from the promoters meeting but: - We heard Barry Wallace and George English during the last 2017 meeting, (the double header), making it clear that the future of Newcastle Speedway is in doubt. We unfortunately are a club that is no longer very well supported and to continue in 2018 we need another major sponsor like Sapphire Engineering. Most businesses go through periods of instability usual met by them announcing cost saving measures, cutting staff and services. Newcastle Speedway without a sponsor will need to cut costs to survive but how you may say can they do that? If you can suggest any savings that could be made to rescue the sport at Brough Park, like for instance asking the Greyhound Landlords to reduce the weekly rent. Then please let us have your suggestions. I know George English and Steve Brock and I could not think of anyone more committed to saving the day. Steve to some, is the club's photographer, but he has always done a lot more besides and George & Joan will do their utmost for the cause. George comes over as anti-forum but maybe us on the forum can help him, like the Diamond Geezers did in 2004/05. Perhaps George and Steve will find a sponsor or a way for us to continue without a sponsor! What if George and Steve cannot fix up some finance/sponsor? What are the possibilities: - Chucking in the towel now and closing Newcastle Speedway at Brough Park for ever! Going into the SGB Championship in 2018 with a low rent team to cut costs! Applying to run in the SGB National League! Transferring the assets and license to Sunderland if at all possible! and no! this is not a serious proposition There must be other options, can you suggest any? Save The Diamonds
  12. Yes just checked the weather forecast and it will be dry today, I hope so cos me wife had me hanging washing out. It wouldn't dare to rain when she has made the decision to hang out wor washing I completely endorse Tsunami's post. Don't give this one a miss, as the promotion will take a financial hit if "fans" stay away and that on top of a very poor season may just make their minds up that they cannot afford to continue next year. Alan, George and the other's deserve a vote of confidence. Also, Newcastle Speedway at Brough Park is in the balance. If we close down it is very unlikely that the council will agree to any future proposals to stage speedway again at this old stadium for a number of reasons. So please turn up at 4pm today the future of our speedway could well depend upon it!
  13. Following the promoter's recent comments calling for all fans to show they care about Newcastle Speedway by turning up for the remaining Newcastle home fixtures. Newcastle fans should turn up in force despite the nature of the double header, meaningless matches, standing around for 30 heats, extra admission cost, makeshift visiting team(s) etc. If we don't turn up in decent numbers for the double header we will be sending a message to the promoters that we don't really care after all! So please don't be put off. We need to show our support via the turnstiles.
  14. What is it this time Ruthless? Did you drop your wallet on your foot! I imagine you will leave Newcastle behind for season 2018. Good luck young Rob. I always enjoyed watching you riding for the Toon
  15. I cannot add a team to the defunct website on your say so, especially as Newcastle isn't defunct. The team can continue only if the finances are there! We need more visitors through the turnstiles, so persuade anyone you know who has stopped coming, to turn up for the last 3 meetings of the season. This will send a message to the promoters who will be encouraged to get us running in 2018
  16. In comes Ricky Wells as a guest. With Ruthless out and Steve in doubt we will not be as strong in heats 13 and 15.
  17. So no trophy for Ludde and Robbo in the Championship Pairs and surprise surprise Sheffield's pair won it from Redcar with our guys well behind in the qualifying. Now we turn to Monday at 7.30pm. I hope the teams are as follows but you never know, maybe Ruthless has to ride in Kuala Lumpar which if he did would probably take precedence over our all important KO Cup match with Glasgow Monday Night's Teams: subject to changes, biggest fear is whether Steve Worrall has a broken wrist or not, x ray today, results next week! or at least it would be if it was me in the hospital. Hopefully strings can be pulled and Steve will know if he is likely to make matters worse if he rides tomorrow, so fingers crossed, but really Steve if there is any doubt don't risk it. It isn't worth it Newcastle 1. Robert Lambert 2. Ashley Morris 3. Stuart Robson 4. Ludvig Lindgren 5. Steve Worrall 6. Ben Hopwood 7. Alfie Bowtell Glasgow 1. Richard Lawson 2. Dan Bewley 3. Nike Lunna 4. Richie Worrall 5. Aaron Summers 6. James Sarjeant (Guest) 7. Jack Smith Glasgow have a lot of talent. Richard Lawson is really riding as well as he ever has we have to make the gate on him cos if he gets ahead he will be hard to catch. Dan Bewley like most promising young riders can fly around or make a catalogue of mistakes he could be a key rider for Monday. Nike Lunna If fit for this clash the Finn could be the danger-man by backing up the heat leaders. Richie Worrall He will always be one of my favourite riders, please don't ruin things Richie by showing everyone how to ride Brough Park!! Aaron Summers If he remembers to bring his gating gloves he could scupper the diamonds James Sarjeant Rent - a - Reserve, James is probably the better of the 4 reserves on display and should pick up the lion share of points between the two sets of reserves Jack Smith I confess to not knowing anything about Jack, so cannot comment on his likely impact on this match My prediction is for a close match with the diamonds progressing to the semi finals
  18. The current promotion has been good for Newcastle that is beyond doubt. George English remains Newcastle Speedway's longest serving promoter (and team manager). A record 21 consecutive seasons if we are running in 2018. His commitment is immense. As Tsunami says 2017 has been a difficult year and a large slice of the difficulties came whilst the landlords carried out the work. I know 2 supporters whom didn't come to the track when the work was being carried out but they came back eventually. Throughout all of the weeks when we didn't have a home meeting, due to rain-offs and cancellations for other reasons, I wondered how long the promoters could survive without any income. I am looking forward to Monday at 7.30pm
  19. Well I said it was a touchy subject. Correct me if I am wrong but is this not a forum?
  20. No home matches for over a month! A great result at Ashfield on Friday for Newcastle who only have to overcome a two point deficit to progress in the KO Cup
  21. A very touchy subject but here goes. The trend in recent years has been for noticeably less supporters in the stadium every year so it comes as no great surprise that a Newcastle Promoter is putting doubt in our minds about the team continuing in 2018. The promoter says: “If people want to see Speedway at Newcastle in 2018, please come and show your support for Monday nights starting on October 9 (7.30) when we race the 2nd leg of the Knockout Cup Quarter final against Glasgow.” I totally agree and it shouldn't matter whether a match is on Sunday or Monday now should it? Some supporters may be working on Monday nights and others may not feel happy bringing their kids out on Monday night instead of their preferred Sunday. We need to respond to the promoter's concerns about badly supported Mondays by turning up this Monday 9th October 2017 at 7.30pm to give him a clear message that we will support the team any day of the week. Now my daughter and I will need the promoters to give us a clear message that we should renew our season tickets as we won't feel happy doing that if 2018 is in doubt!
  22. Glasgow Tigers 1. Ricky Wells (Guest) 2. Kyle Newman (Guest) 3. Richie Worrall (Glasgow) 4. R/R for Dan Bewley 5. Aaron Summers (Glasgow) 6. Richard Hall (Guest) - 7. Connor Coles (Guest) - Newcastle Diamonds 1. Robert Lambert 2. Ashley Morris 3. Stuart Robson 4. Ludvig Lindgren 5. Steve Worrall 6. Ben Hopwood 7. Ryan MacDonald (Guest) What a Joke this cup tie has become
  23. Yes it looks like his Polish Club Lublin will have 1st call on Roberts services. We need the best possible guest, that must be Chris Harris
  24. Newcastle 1. Robert Lambert 2. Ashley Morris 3. Stuart Robson 4. Ludvig Lindgren 5. Steve Worrall 6. Ben Hopwood 7. Alfie Bowtell Workington 1. Craig Cook 2. Mason Campton 3. 4. Matt Williamson 5. Ty Proctor 6. James Sarjeant 7. No doubt the riders are wrong so put me right please
  25. After weeks without any action Newcastle's season 2017 lurches back into life. Hopefully someone will tell all the fans to come and watch the meeting. Me? well I put off going into hibernation until 31st October 2017 so I will be watching the match (YAWN!) I hope to be wide awake for the KO Cup against Glasgow but alas, no one knows when it will take place (Stifles YAWN!) Just noticed the start time back an hour to 7.30pm
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