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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. What I said was my view from the aspect of being a promoter at Poole and my general involvement with the sport. No one should doubt that, if Poole couldn't use Chris and/or Darcy, we would still be able to build a team to 34 points. I am not convinced that every other team could. And if that was the case, we would willingly enter into a discussion on the points limit to see if there was a consensus to bring it down. We would far rather start in an equal league than an unequal one. If other teams, or their supporters think an imbalanced league might be to their benefit, that's up to them. But I suspect supporters would soon tire of one sided meetings, as would Sky of course, and successful teams would have to put up with significantly increased costs due to the high points scoring of their riders, and possibly reduced crowds due to the lack of entertainment. I want to see the best team over the season crowned Elite League champions. And we've had many exciting ends to recent seasons with each time, in my view, the winner being worthy of the title. I much prefer that than have half the league being under strength at the start of the season. We might as well ignore the league and go straight to the play offs if that was to be the case. Hands up who would be happy with that?
  2. I thought a rider could only get a TR on his programmed rides so that wouldn't work. But, is there any restriction on reserves getting a TR? I don't remember seeing it last year but that means nothing!!!
  3. A little late, I know, but I'm making my Christmas cake tomorrow - I'll save you s piece. Better than humble pie 😄
  4. OK then - you want someone to say it, so I will: I think your bang out of order with your comments. You were being worse than cynical - you were actively trolling. The stadium is being built by the Manchester authorities - a mixture between Manchester City Council and the East Manchester Regeneration group. It will be approximately 350m in size with 10m straights and 12-15m bends. It has come about because those involved have ignore trolls and cynics and is a credit to everyone involved - council, speedway promoters, speedway authorities and fans. Even SCB has conceded that, despite his initial (huge) scepticism, it looks like happening. So that leaves you. What purpose, other than to completely undermine the hard work and commitment shown by those involved, do you think your cynicism serves? Are you simply a sad person who takes pleasure in undermining others? My goodness, the sport is on its knees in this country and those involved need encouragement not condemnation. Is it too difficult to say this looks amazing and I really hope that it's as good as it looks? Because that's how I feel about it.
  5. That is the signing of the winter. No matter who else is announced where. Under 16 Aussie champion when he was 11 or 12 and beat Darcy Ward to the title. I'm not sure how he qualifies for a work permit though as is there not a rule about being in the top four in a State championship? Maybe he's planning on winning the Aussie title in January 😄
  6. No, the point is that your prediction was relating to who would take Jon Cook's position on the Management Comittee. I think most of us guessed that your "not a million miles away" meant Pairman. And, quite simply, you were wrong. Your post hasn't disappeared - it's in BSPA meeting thread on 15 November. On the discussion about the Vice Chairman's job, Skidder 1 said "From a mischievous point of view, I would love it if Matt Ford were to be voted in as Vice Chair again - if only to watch this forum go into meltdown !!!" and you replied "it won't be Matt but someone not a million miles away, surely?" You then tried to cover up your error by saying: Shock of all shocks. I don't get why they had to announce CVS first and go along with that for a week. We all knew this last week! I even posted as much on here but amazingly my post seems to have gone it might have even been in a discussion with you, someone said Matt Ford and I said not quite but someone quite close It doesn't matter when you found out about Pairman going onto SCB - I don't suppose it was meant to be a big secret - the point is that, on 15 November, before any of the appointments had been released, you predicted he would be on MC and he's not.
  7. Ahem, no you didn't you said something about someone not a million miles away would be appointed to the management committee. Quite a different thing. I wonder why Pairman's appointment was missed from the BSPA's press release, much of which was attributed to CVS 😄
  8. The blue rinses are right - the majority of posts you make have to have a pop at Poole. Fixated or what?Congratulations to Edinburgh - the best PL team all year.
  9. Old timer? At 22? If 22 is "old" what does that make me?!!
  10. Well here's the simple answer - I bet Poole would have been delighted to have had it called off after heat 10. Or 11, 12, 13 or 14 as they were ahead on aggregate at each point. But both teams - and the referee - were correct to let the meeting run its full length because that has meant the usual accusations of conspiracies have not appeared.
  11. Firstly, why ask me? Secondly, maybe they don't know any more than anyone else on here?
  12. I know I may be opening myself up to abuse, but there is no evidence that the BSPA's covers are the answer. Edinburgh had them down a couple of weeks ago but still couldn't run and no one surely is claiming that "covering" Swindon last week saved the meeting. As Rosco said, had Sky not been there, the meeting would have been called off, covers or not. Those on or from Poole have said that it hasn't stayed dry long enough since last Wednesday to enable covers to go down, and doesn't look like it's likely to clear any day soon
  13. KL? Do you know something we don't. Unless, of course, you meant Kirky Lane 😄
  14. Did you miss where it was announced that the meeting's off?
  15. A couple of questions for those in the know - firstly, in terms of cheque books, who do people reckon has more money, Keith Chapman or Matt Ford? Secondly, if it's true that Sky want Poole to win the play offs, why would that be? Do they own part of Poole or what?
  16. The problem is that, by their success, Matt Ford and Poole Speedway manage to screw you, SCB, which is possibly why you are so bitter. And not just about Poole but speedway generally. What happened? You used to be a supporter. Now you just moan
  17. My goodness boys, you caught a big 'un there!
  18. I think it is clear. The press release says that the top three ride at 1, 3 or 5 and 4th and 5th at 2 or 4. If it was fixed, it would say something like 1, 3 AND 5 - the use of "or" surely makes it clear that positioning within the given constraints is up to teams? As you say, it will make line-ups very interesting
  19. I think you may be getting "tac rides" and tactical substitutes mixed up? You can't change the line ups other than for rider or reserve replacements
  20. I don't really keep up to speed with the accusations and counter-accusations that appear here so did I miss the cheating? I know there were comments when Ford refused to run against Lakeside because he couldn't put together a competitive team but that's not really cheating is it? Not like claiming your track is waterlogged or that it will take many days to sort a minor electrical problem. And, as there was no penalty publicised, it seems that the powers that be - including Jon Cook as Vice Chairman - accepted that Ford was within his rights to cancel and thereby protect his business. The only other thing I can think of was the horrible night in Manchester. Which shouldn't even have started. But it did before being ended at heat 10. Is it not the losing team that has the say over whether to continue so Belle Vue must have agreed. There might have been tactics involved - especially by BV who would only have 2/3rds of a wage bill, but where was the cheating? Let's face it, the most exciting riders in the EL this year, the riders that make you want to go and watch them whether riding for or against your team have been Iversen, Woffinden, maybe Zagar, sometimes Andersen and Batchelor, but almost always Ward, Holder and Hancock. Many people undoubtedly dislike Ford, and that's fine by me (and probably by him too) but he does have the knack of putting together attractive and competitive sides while at the same time keeping the majority of his supporters happy so maybe we should be pushing our promotions to do likewise rather than wanting Poole to come down to everyone else's level?
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