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Everything posted by chris4gillian

  1. So you can prove it but you won't....that just tells us it's a figment of your imagination Tell you what, I'll take your bet when you face Tai...I think my money's safe
  2. So come on then robert72...I'm calling you out to prove us all wrong... WHICH WORLD CHAMPIONS DID YOU RIDE AGAINST AND WHEN? If you ignore that then we'll all know that you're nothing but the lying cowardly troll you present yourself to be. So come on then, let's 'ave it as your silence on this matter after your rather rash and bold statement is deafening!
  3. I admire your persistence but it's blatantly obvious I am right. You're wasting your time fella.
  4. Really? He never rode and his 'claim' is pugwash that's why he can't answer you. That's it in a nut shell. He picks and chooses what posts of mine to respond to (basically the ones that ask nothing) so he hasn't got me on block. Oh and one for you robert72... http://speedwaygp.com/news/article/5028/woffy-hails-cardiff-crowd Read that and weep, you are now owned by the man that you are too scared to face, BOOM!
  5. But 100% accurate. He doesn't need to give an apology for his euphoric and jubilant celebration. 30,000 people all screaming your name must've given him a hell of a rush on top of all that adrenaline the riding gave him. That's all it was and if you think it was something else then it's just another item to add to your list as the biggest on the form. And I include starman in that too! Unfortunately the feeling he had at that moment is something you never had the chance of experiencing...bearing in mind you never rode a bike contrary to what you claim. Rode against ex world champions... Oh and Tai is one hell of a role model. End of. Spot on that man.
  6. Ha,ha! Love the irony. Still waiting? Of course you are.
  7. Still waiting I see...make yourself comfortable, very comfortable....
  8. I told you so. He's all 'keyboard' and no substance. Has been called out more times that a cricket player! Yet another question he's been asked after making a sweeping statement that he can't answer as it never happened. You're better off ignoring what he posts as it's either drivel or just Tai trolling. No words minced there, 100% agree nw42
  9. There you finally have it folks...the admission that he's been TROLLING from the 'ex-rider' (LOL!!) him/herself! And only one person said they wouldn't reply to you...so who is this brigade? Oh yes, it's yet another figment of your imagination.
  10. It's all gone very quiet from the 'ex-world champion rival' robert72 since you asked him to reveal who he supposedly rode against...surprised? Not.
  11. But you haven't, so BWitcher is spot on! It won't give him an opportunity to berate Tai so good luck with that! Another poster on here has already hinted at the level he 'rode' at and it certainly didn't involve any world champions.
  12. What a pathetic, pointless and ridiculous thread from start to finish! End of.
  13. That's what a (cowardly) TROLL does. Cobblers, I have never had any interest in racing on a speedway bike but have loved the sport since my first visit to Poole in 1976 so you're wrong AGAIN. So very, very sad. BWitcher has nailed it, you are a complete coward and you admit it right there! p.s. it's would HAVE.
  14. http://speedwaygp.com/news/article/5008/battle-of-britain Ooh, what's Tai holding in his right hand? Aussie? My arse lol. Showing your complete lack of knowledge yet again. Surprised, not. Where else could he ride at 15 years of age?
  15. Still making a complete t i t of yourself I see p.s. how can somebody hear what they read???? DOH!
  16. Such a misguided individual. How anyone can carry on such a ridiculous tirade for so long is beyond me. Post after post you're proven wrong, are faced with something you can't/won't respond to, are faced with another post that challenges you to face Tai which you haven't got the balls to do even though you said numerous times you will or you just ignore what's posted because it owns you. You have been shown up as the gutless keyboard failure that you are so give it up FFS. p.s. We all agree the Ben Fund is a hugely worthwhile cause which we've all donated to at some point, but the rest of us have a life which doesn't revolve around it you obsessed plum.
  17. Oh the irony...comedy post of the decade! A new low, even for you. I said 2 days ago you didn't have the nuts to face Tai in person and I was right!
  18. Tai Woffinden is and will always be a popular World Champion and many will agree. What's your point? (I was also a huge fan of Mark so I agree with your statement). However many of your posted reasons for disliking Tai are just your opinion based upon no supporting evidence. Dazzafl has proved you wrong a number of times on some of your points, yet you still carry on. Why?? And you still haven't stated whether you have the nuts to face Tai and where you will be doing so....so as I have said previously, you aint gonna are you?
  19. All you keep doing is quoting your OWN opinion and then add 'this is the view of many British fans' (or words to that effect). Let me say it again...30,000+ fans on Saturday night will bring the roof off of the Principality Stadium cheering for Tai. That alone shoots you down so for the love of God stop playing the same record. YOU and a handful (yes that is all) of others dislike Tai. That's fair enough, but stop ramming it down our throats. Oh and the SGP in 2000 was a very different animal to as it is now in 2016 so comparing them is rather silly, but you already know that being the speedway buff you claim to be. As for your last statement 4)...another personal OPINION based on nothing!
  20. There you go again robert72, maybe you'll take note this time! Dazzafl has far more credibility than yourself and he has proved it yet again. So are you going to Cardiff or Belle Vue? When you do I assume you'll be telling Tai to his face that; 1) he owes British speedway, 2) he doesn't care about British speedway, 3) he disappointed the whole UK speedway scene for not riding I the British Final, 4) he shouldn't ride for Team GB and 5) you don't believe he has any intention of running a riding school We'll know if you do as I'm sure Dazzafl will have great joy in letting us all know what Tai's response to you was and I for one can't wait!
  21. We have been told by a reliable source (no matter what robert72 thinks) that Tai hasn't got a care in the world about internet forums and we all know that robert72 won't speak to Tai in person in the manner he abuses him on here. He wouldn't have the balls to. Oh and robert72, I agree Gavan went overboard however your constant goading about his deceased family etc. was disgraceful and indefensible.
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