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Everything posted by chris4gillian

  1. Ha,ha,ha!! This thread is mostly the same old pony being posted by the same old posters who never disappoint. I personally really enjoyed the meting and thought the track was superb. I'm quite jealous of the BV supporters getting to watch speedway of that quality week in and week out. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying our track at Poole is bad, it's just that BV's new track is without doubt the best track in the country. Period. As for Pearson & Tatum...love them or loathe them they certainly keep things lively which is what a fast and exciting sport like speedway needs. Tatum also seems to have become a bit of a comedy man with some of his retorts to Pearson. That's definitely a step in the right direction. Just one last point to Shovlar - I find your post about Clare Balding rather offensive and I'm surprised nobody else has commented on it. She may not be gorgeous she may not be skinny and her sexual preference is her own business! Unnecessary and rather nasty.
  2. No he isn't...the 2004 SWC thing is the reason for that. At the time I recall Middlo (the then Team GB Manager) saying Hans would never ride for Poole again (or words to that effect) after his lift on the back straight gifting Sweden the win ahead of GB.
  3. Why don't you ask him??? Oh yeah, no kahuna's. Bearing in mind the BSPA have ignored his suggestions on how to bring on British riders (ala his decision to not ride for Team GB in 2017), why the hell would he run training schools when they wouldn't be supported by our own governing body? It's not difficult to work out by those with brain cells. I guess yours were nullified by all those speedway accidents you had
  4. I have no idea if he was or wasn't...still no evidence re your claim. So now you say he wasn't who he claimed as he supplied no evidence but you did what you claim with no evidence. You're completely laughable! WTF are you going on about? Yet another irrelevant starman post.
  5. Because you stated numerous times you were going to see him face to face and were given an opportunity to do so, but you didn't have the balls! So that's two fictitious things you have posted time and time again. Oh and you completely ignored the request for proof YET again. Have you seen the film Fantasy Island??
  6. You have supplied NO proof you did and you've also supplied NO proof you rode anywhere let alone against ex-world champion(s). That would be so very easy to prove if it ever happened. So come on then, provide some evidence...but you won't (or should that read can't?). All you ever do is cry wolf and I can provide dozens of posts by you to support and prove that. p.s. I hear Tai is still waiting to speak with you :rofl:
  7. Prove you did then. Nobody has ever confirmed you ever rode let alone rode at Poole. My mum did babysit for Middlo many times, but that's a tad more difficult to prove than proving you ever riding a speedway bike, let alone at Poole (which is something new you claim).
  8. He didn't ride for Poole and has never ridden a bike. Ignore him as he's a proven liar.
  9. Has there? I must've missed that. Anyways, how is that a true reflection of things? That's right, it isn't.
  10. It's even funnier that if it were true I would have
  11. Still banging that lying drum I see. I flew Concorde yesterday and performed brain surgery today....of course you believe me without a shred of evidence
  12. That team will never happen for many reasons. Magic, Shamek and Lindback in the same team in the UK?? And Milik has been quite vocal about the lack of cash over here so I'd be surprised to see him return. Jack Holder is pretty much a definite though and Ellis might be a good shout too. However, we have the play offs to concentrate on first
  13. When did he say that? I'm not saying you're wrong but I've not seen or heard him say it anywhere. I think he will ride for Poole next year alongside his younger brother Jack.
  14. If you're referring to me I've been going to Poole since 1976. You really are a class A
  15. Prove what I posted is wrong then!?! That's right, you can't You have no idea if I was there or not as you don't know me and you never will. Thank Gawd.
  16. Really? REALLY? But thank you for your apology even if it is through gritted teeth
  17. Did you ask him if he's Lakesides Team Manager or Coach? Agreed, but I don't lose any sleep over it or get grumpy as there's a hell of a lot more to life.
  18. Nope, it's the sign of a childish supporter. But that's only my opinion of course.
  19. Don't take any notice of what SS says...he is over the moon and posts match reports when we win, but when we lose he sulks and goes quiet. So you're saying that Lakesides OWN official web site is wrong? In addition, Kelvin has been described as 'coach' not manager many times on Sky and BSPA news articles etc. I was trying to help the poster that asked the question so there's no need to be so hostile!
  20. Err...there were two people that were accused (and yes you strongly indicated you believed it more than once) so you could at least apologise to moi as the innocent party bearing in mind I'm not the poster to which you refer! I refer the honourable lady to the above post... Well said that fellow However, we all know he'll never face Tai after saying repeatedly he would so time to just ignore things as he's a proven porkie pier.
  21. Yes he's the club coach. I remember a few years ago when some were saying that Sky, and if memory serves Tatum in particular, disliked Poole. How the tables have turned...or is it some on here just post poop? Jon Cook IS the team manager, Kelvin is just the coach. http://www.lakesidehammers.co/details/
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