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About shalefan

  • Birthday 11/20/1960

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    60's, 70's and 80's
  • Age
    over 50 (28 really)
  • Profession
    Manager for BAA at Heathrow

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    Football, Speedway, Holidays in hot countries, walks in the country side. Talking to the ladies (lol)
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  1. Scot Malone the footballer currently with Derby is a big speedway fan
  2. With people remarking on pit crew getting involved in pushing and shoving after races, I’m wondering as I do not know but does a rider have a limit on how many he can have in his pit area
  3. Big football fan myself but must admit I’ve often thought about the last GP of a season being held in Cardiff, imagine Tai being crowned World Champion in Cardiff at the last GP. I can only assume those who run the show have thought about the clash with football. As pointed out by others perhaps the stadium is not available for next July, they must have known about that when extending the deal to stage the event the other year.
  4. Absolutely enjoyed the day and the meeting. Good racing on a decent indoor track. Referees decisions brought controversy to the meeting and has got a lot of people talking. Thought the crowd attendance was up on last year which was good. Robert Lambert well done young man on such quick reactions to lay your bike down to avoid going into Craig Cook. Hopefully Craig’s night will fill him with some confidence going forward. Whilst Robert may see it as a bad nights return he will have learnt a great deal from the night which should hold him in good stead for the future. Don’t know how Greg still keeps producing but long may it’s continue. Congratulations to Bartosz Zmarzlik on winning the event and best wishes to Tai for the remaninder of the season and hopefully bringing home the trophy.
  5. Due to a family health issue we have two relatives who now cannot make tomorrow’s GP in Cardiff. If anyone is interested please contact via PM and we can make the necessary arrangements. Seats are on 1st bend Block N3. Tickets cost £47ea going for £35ea. We will be in Cardiff from this evening, not always connected to internet so will be looking in and out during the lead up to the event.
  6. Surely the idea of our sport is for it to be run in the best conditions possible for everyone sake. That has to be in the dry! I remember watching years ago the fiasco at Reading for the World team cup round in the wet, not very appealing at all. For the spectator and only my opinion it’s not fun watching riders trying to race in wet conditions, as it is the sport suffers from people who say first out the gate wins, in the wet that seems to happen a lot more. For years the sport seems to have been looking for ways to beat the rain whether some riders want to ride in the wet or not. This idea could pave the way forward but as I said costs would be a factor but I would have thought that if you had this sort of cover spectators would not be put off of travelling knowing the match would be on and riders travelling around Europe would not have wasted journeys whatever the weather was doing outside. Time will tell
  7. Heard about this on the radio today and now found it online. Surely if this comes about could it by implemented by our tracks. Costs no doubt will come into it; http://www.telegraph.co.uk/cricket/2017/10/03/mcc-explores-plan-cover-lords-mesh-netting-end-rain-delays/
  8. Having given this some thought I think I would go with the following; 1. P. Jonsson 2. J. Davis 3. D. Jessup 4. A. Michanek 5. J. Andersson 6. B. Schwartz 7. M. Zagar Some great riders left out many mentioned above my thread but I would like to give 2 special mentions, 1 to The German rider we had in Hans Wasserman who appeared if memory serves me right to be hitting some form when a serious injury halted his career and the other rider would be the American Denny Pyeatt who was hitting form when he was tragically taken from us in a track crash at Hackney. Would have been very interesting watching them progress had they had the chance.
  9. Much better meeting than last night. Congrats to the Poles who deserve their win. Well done GB on Coming second.
  10. I wish you had said at the time I would have counted them for you.
  11. Wrong. Like other riders whose sons have followed them into the sport of Speedway Tai's dad rode for your information and some of us knew about him as a boy and some even were following his progress like speedway fans do when riders who are riding today and yesteryear have sons growing up possibly looking to get into the sport.
  12. Well is been a very long time since I have posted on here but my thoughts on yesterday's British GP. Firstly took my brother in-law and sis in-law who had never been to a Speedway meeting in their lives. Half way through I asked the million dollar question 'What do you think then and be honest if you don't like it tell me' Both said they were loving it and wish they had bought a programme now so they could keep up with the scores better. At the end they both said they have got to do that again, so a small plus and a bit of relief for me. I agree with an earlier comment about the fanzone area, a little disappointed but hey it was something different for me to experience and maybe an area to work on to improve the experience for next year. Could not quite see all the old vintage bikes but was nice to see Wiggy's bike there brought back some nice memories. Not listened to Radio 1 in donkeys years so had no idea who the dj bloke was and won't be tuning in anytime soon lol The racing I thought was very good, been Cardiff twice before and for me this was far better than the previous two I had been too. It is clear the organisers have learnt and are learning from each staging at the arena, so we'll done there. Well done to Antonio who looked fast all night. Best race for me was Danny's heat 19 win. Best gate of the night for me had to be Tai's semi final win from Gate 3 which was a bit of a graveyard gate for most of the night but he made it work when it mattered. Lots of good passing moments from many riders during the meeting, so all in all yeah bloody enjoyed it. Read all the stuff on Tai, we do like to knock a British World Champion or someone British who does well don't we when one comes along. I'm sure I have seen hi jinks on other winning podiums after a meeting. Maybe the riders could become a bit more professional during National Anthems and show respect then once over let themselves become more natural after all they all know each other so well. I never read too much into Tai jumping in the BMW and taking it for a spin, in fact opportunity was there and he took it anyone of the 3 could have done it but clearly never thought of it. As for the press conference I felt Tai is more at home in front of the press than Antonio and Bartosz but both came across fine. Had murders on both previous visits getting back to the M4 after the meeting from parking near the Castle, so looked at the map and parked up at Cardiff FC. Had no problems in getting out after at all, so another plus. Only gripe for me was the amount of people (Block N) who insisted on either going out or coming back during or as a race started!! Got no problem getting up and down as many times as you like during a break in racing but wanting to go out or comeback during or at the start of a race 'REALLY' !!
  13. Have to agree the track was very poor and dangerous. Well done to all the riders for their efforts tonight
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