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    Completely varied from The Darkness to Terry Hall, The Specials, Mark Knopfler and Jimi Hendrix
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    Umm, Speedway! Motorcycling, Badminton, most types of racing (except those without genuine overtaking i.e. F1)
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  1. Ok thanks Noodles, have read that and don't think I'll be paying out monthly for that - will select some BSN meetings and watch updates instead.
  2. So, with the basic plan will I still be able to watch live premiership meetings? If so, why would I need TNT?
  3. As I get discovery+ free with my Sky subscription presumably this code business doesn't affect me?
  4. Not to me it isn't - I suppose it depends upon your personal morals. I do not like to deliberately break any law, others use a risk of detection basis and others imply don't care.
  5. I've only just realised where your profile name appears - G,B & U, which one/combination are you?
  6. Tracks abroad are generally much much slicker than here. Denmark is known for really slick surfaces (but often bumpy) and Poland is very much on the stop for all four laps - Musielak said as much in the Star a couple of weeks ago - he could ride in Poland whilst injured last season as it's pretty simple but in the UK you have to turn harder, tracks can be narrow and much grippier in general.
  7. Your recent posts all seem to be blank for me?
  8. Just the Saturday, one of us has to work on Fri & Mon and can't get any time off as shifts known 2 years ahead!! Not sure what we'll do on the Sunday, maybe drive around somewhere.
  9. Got my tickets, they are 'print at home' - looking forwards to a dry evening!
  10. Thanks. Are the tickets electronic or do you have to collect hardcopies somewhere? Seems they are £47 each, assuming the reduced price is for children?
  11. No way I'll be subscribing at those high prices. Let's see what happens.
  12. I think the same company, Entain, just closed Crayford dog track as well.
  13. The appeal meeting has much more justification to be appealed than the original rejection.
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