I have checked Jorgenson's statistics and they read 5563
That's not me moaning that is fact
I have also watched Thomas Jorgenson at a few tracks
Capable Speedway rider on multiple tracks ... yes
Is he suited to Berwick? No his racing style tells you that as do his scores
Will he improve around Berwick racing every week? Most probably but starting on a 7.09 figure I don't see Jorgensen improving that. Generally also a poor trapper likes to come from the back. Doable riding from reserve against poor outfits. I reckon we've signed him based on his points at Sheffield which were scored from reserve against a poor outfit in 2014. Oddly he rode at Berwick a few weeks previous (where Scunthorpe should have won) Jorgenson scored 3 (0,1,2,0) from Number 5