After reading through the daily tabloids which made interesting reading
Plenty of rumours as to what Berwick may do
Can we rule Matt Wethers out?
On the plus side for Berwick fans. Redcar managed to replace Kozza Smith with a 3 pointt Pole and still win the vast majority of there home matches for 60-70% of the season.
Berwick looks a nice friendly place yet again with away teams looking forward to the family atmosphere
I would strongly suggest Claus Vissing. I'm not sure why Matej was chosen over Claus Vissing in the first place.
I do wonder how Berwick will cope if Ben Barker finishes 3rd in Heat One on the receiving end of a 1-5
Who is going to get amongst it Barker apart? Doolan Allen, J0000rgy, Edberg? -