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Everything posted by Robinh88

  1. the riders i'm sure want to win, but godfrey knows full well that team isn't strong enough...
  2. Biggest Derby in the UK on the highest stage. Hoping for a great day shades on, and a tigers win
  3. I have no interest what so ever, quite sad really for mid april.....
  4. sad news for olly allen for sure..... Speedy recovery, always class at Berwick
  5. be interesting if a survey or questionnaire was conducted to see whether Berwick fans would pay more If a team was signed who would capture the fans imagination
  6. Utter rip off, but then to be fair they get a good side every season generally with a Number One, riders generally whom serve them well Always good visitors 2011 being the exception Maybe we should charge £17 get a decent 1-7 with a Number One....
  7. can't imagine we will take a few thousand for this one!
  8. You weren't the only one, if only it was like that every week, Though I would probably still moan If Tarnow can have an entertaining first meeting of season, which I've just viewed Then so can we
  9. Maybe it's cheaper tracking a team who lose instead of one that scores 55 point every week?
  10. Thomas Jonasson? He wasn't injured he was riding in the Best Pairs at Gustrow
  11. I find the whole situation quite sad, I agree with Mr Dyson we need to put faith in John and Heppy to sort the team out and get us winning again
  12. wouldn't bother with bogdanovs flattered too deceive In my opinion big time
  13. Don't see any harm in what Sedgman said, however the track shape we can't change... Sedgman has done well for the Monarchs... another rider who has blossomed at Edinburgh Home win tonight, we can't afford to lose... jokes aside
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