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The H Man

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Everything posted by The H Man

  1. Live Stream - Birmingham Brummies vs. Leicester Lions — Birmingham Brummies Speedway - Live Streaming
  2. G'day Pinny - hope all is well down under! Well as you know this forum is full of rumours and speculation!!
  3. Good point Iain - I've asked the guys to get it updated asap! re: MJJ - he arrives on Saturday, will be at media day Sunday, all set for debut on Monday. Meeting on Monday vs Leicester will be streamed live on BrummiesTV - £12.99 available to purchase via https://www.brummies.tv/
  4. leave you to ask the promoter/team manager that one! I was just pointing out, that he wasn't paid silly money just to turn up!
  5. Assume you mean Pawlicki? Both Poles and Milik were on point money, no guarantees!
  6. The Directors of the club will be issuing a Press Release at Noon today.
  7. Sad to read that Graham has passed, he was a nice guy. Condolences to his family & friends.
  8. There is limited on-site car parking but plenty of space in overflow car park just 5 mins walk from stadium food options at one stop shopping centre across the road or fast food options in stadium see you Monday.
  9. Must have been Big Phil and Cecil's evidence that did it! Seriously, well done to all involved and good luck with next steps.
  10. You won't have long to find out mate!
  11. I'm sure Phil the Ace will be the first to let us know when the top 2 are signed and sealed! ;o)
  12. To be fair Dave the set up nearly worked as only the golden tac rule stopped the club winning the grand final.
  13. Yep Jim was TM - Sam was responsible for working with riders on the tech side.
  14. I was working at Reading during that season (2006) Sam was not sacked half way through the season. He was involved throughout.
  15. Allied Presentations signed a 99 year lease with Reading Council in 1974 for the Smallmead land, as already stated for whatever reason a new shorter lease was agreed at some point between council and Allied (under the stewardship of the Dore family). I assume for a cheaper rent In 2001 Allied sold out to Gaming Intl who spent a few quid on stadium bars to bring them up to H&S standards! In 2008 council didn’t offer an extension to short term Lease and sold Smallmead site, a new piece of land (close to existing site a former MX track) was offered several years before that to GI who gained planning permission to build a racino (speedway, dogs and Casino) of course surprise surprise it never happened and eventually the council sold that piece of land off for industrial use. The original Smallmead site lies barren but for match day football parking a lot of people have a lot to answer for - but prospects for speedway in town are about as close to zero as you can get.
  16. Don’t think Birmingham are planning to dispose of Laurence Rogers if they run! ;-)
  17. Been told it was the broken lamp standard that hit cameraman rather than bike. Hoping it’s positive news in his condition.
  18. Awful incident - let’s hope the cameraman is okay.
  19. Poole fans - my business partner is bringing along a group of people for a first time visit on Wednesday, is there general access to the pits (or paddock as he loves to call it) pre-racing and if so, any ideas on times etc? Thanks Paul.
  20. Good to see so many Pirates fans making the journey to Perry Barr last night, haven't seen Steve Shov for about 15 years so good to have a chat. The Pirates on the min-bus certainly were good voice on arrival and all seemed to make it safe and sound back from their visit to the Wetherspoon's over the road from the Stadium. On track, clinical stuff from Poole from the off meant it was game, set and match after 3 heats. Mini-bus of Brum fans heading down to Wimborne Road for the return next week.
  21. Hey Shov it's been a few years - good to know you're coming up, we've been told 2 mini-buses of Poole fans as well. Make sure you say hello! Everything went a bit pear shaped on and off the track for Birmingham last week! Hoping you a quieter evening tomorrow , the trudge up and down the stairs to the officials / streaming box was good for my daily steps though ;-)
  22. Press release with team news out tomorrow morning!
  23. Watched the stream should have been abandoned after heat 1 when Pickering and Morris out of shape, you know things aren’t good. Joe Thompson broken collarbone in heat 2.
  24. The track situation was unfortunate to start with, but these things happen, but I can understand people's frustration at the delay. Remedial work can sometimes have an even worse effect on a track, so credit for getting things improved. Thought Brummies a little hard done by Heat 2 but overall little impact on the result and as Stewart Dickson has said today, changes needed for Brum to push for that up for grab 6th place in the league. Very impressed by the size of the crowd and also the number of families in at Oxford, the place will be absolutely packed next week for Poole's visit I should Imagine.
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