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Everything posted by T.N.T.

  1. Seems most people that have won tickets are selling them on already. Maybe they have tickets already booked or just would rather have the money than the expense of going to Cardiff ? Somebody bought 2 tickets on ebay the other day for £250 ..... they were £67 each at the box office
  2. Should anyone need transport to Cardiff, I will be setting off early in the Saturday morning heading down the M6 motorway from Cannock and onto the M5 before shooting across to Cardiff. Should anyone be stuck for a lift and be willing to chip in some petrol money, I would be pleased to help out. Send me a PM if it may be some help. My wife is coming with me, so we are talking 2 seats really.
  3. There are enough Flags and T Shirts to do with the GP's on sale through out the town, this fayre often has some very good stuff on sale from old programmes to jackets, DVD's and special rider merchandise. I remember last year there was a Jason Crump stall in there. Having said that, the venue is very small and its a shame a bigger venue couldn't put this on and make their money from beer sales as there is quite a few on the pints before tapes go up. I will be popping in for sure, hope to pick up a few things.
  4. So no Leonna Lewis, Oasis or Take That during the interval ! Maybe Ray Quinn has out priced himself since Dancing on Ice
  5. I tried the lower tier one year but moved up after a few races to the upper tier where I think gives you a great view and feel of the atmosphere of the place, especially situated on the bends. Haven't got any tickets yet, but I cant see it being sold out, so can wait till the day if required unless anyone wants to get some cash back for spare tickets ?
  6. QUOTE (Robbie B @ Jun 16 2009, 11:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hans ANDERSEN DENMARK £45,000 Leigh ADAMS AUSTRALIA £45,000 I have now decided to keep the my origninal team Brave choice keeping those two, I have them both I am deciding what to spend the 90k on ? Crump 60 and 30k - or - Pedersen 50k and 40k ? Whatever, I will stick with Gollob, Lindgren and Emil and look for the best options to catch up the leaders.
  7. Only allowed 3 transfers Paddy As Nicki was in your original team, he still carries a £60,000 tag for you, just as you still have AJ on his original 35k but you also have Lindgren on his new value even though he has always been in your team. However you have replaced 65k for 65k .... so you are wrong, yet right :blink:
  8. That is not the true sporting thing to do ..... but I have the same idea. For me Adams (45) and Andersen (45) are both doing poorly and I am thinking of dropping Hans for Crumpy (60) and then dropping Adams for .... Andersen (30) Is this allowed ? ...... dont mind either way so its over to the referee
  9. No doubt Jason Crump will have gone up and Emil will have doubled his price, but will those that had Emil in from the start still get him at his original price ? I would be looking at dropping Andersen and Adams (£90k) so would I still have that amount of money to spend ? When you get a chance to update BALLINGER, please post a thread for transfers and the rules. Cheers
  10. I think unless Leigh gets back on the pace, this will be his last year in the GP's and concentrates on riding in the leagues instead. Last year he finished 6th and after four rounds this year, he is 9th and 16 points behind 6th placed Tomasz Gollob with Lindgren and Bjerre just above him. With the likes of Andersen and Holta still behind him, he will be pleased just to stay in the top 8. Add to that the likes of Sayfutdinov, Holder, Pavlic, Woffinden etc etc all coming through, it would be no suprise to see him bow out while still a respectable GP rider. Cardiff is up next and if he falls further behind he could be some way behind the younger Lindgren, Andersen etc etc.
  11. RIDERS TO PICK FROM 1 Nicki PEDERSEN DENMARK £60,000 2 Jason CRUMP AUSTRALIA £50,000 3 Tomasz GOLLOB POLAND £45,000 4 Greg HANCOCK USA £45,000 5 Hans ANDERSEN DENMARK £45,000 6 Leigh ADAMS AUSTRALIA £45,000 7 Andreas JONSSON SWEDEN £35,000 8 Rune HOLTA POLAND £35,000 9 Scott NICHOLLS GREAT BRITAIN £35,000 10 Fredrik LINDGREN SWEDEN £30,000 11 Chris HARRIS GREAT BRITAIN £30,000 12 Kenneth BJERRE DENMARK £30,000 13 Grzegorz WALASEK POLAND £20,000 14 Sebastian ULAMEK POLAND £20,000 15 Emil SAYFUTDINOV RUSSIA £25,000 16 WILD CARD £20,000
  12. Yes. Its the Danish version of Cardiff
  13. Even if he can only mange 4 or 5 points, AJ will not give in and I think this year he will be in the top 3 come the end of the season. Wouldn't be suprised to see him get 11+ tonight and even a final place still.
  14. FIM DANSK METAL DANISH SGP 1 S.Ulamek (14) POL 2 H.Andersen (5) DNK 3 E.Sayfutdinov (15) RUS 4 T.Gollob (3) POL 5 J.Crump (2) AUS 6 F.Lindgren (10) SWE 7 C.Harris (11) GBR 8 G.Walasek (13) POL 9 A.Jonsson (7) SWE 10 G.Hancock (4) USA 11 N.Iversen (16) DNK 12 R.Holta (8) POL 13 L.Adams (6) AUS 14 K.Bjerre (12) DNK 15 N.Pedersen (1) DNK 16 S.Nicholls (9) GBR 17 P.Hougaard (17) DNK 18 N.Klindt (18) DNK 1 S.Ulamek (14) H.Andersen (5) E.Sayfutdinov (15) T.Gollob (3) 2 J.Crump (2) C.Harris (11) F.Lindgren (10) G.Walasek (13) 3 G.Hancock (4) N.Iversen (16) A.Jonsson (7) R.Holta (8) 4 N.Pedersen (1) K.Bjerre (12) S.Nicholls (9) L.Adams (6) 5 L.Adams (6) S.Ulamek (14) J.Crump (2) A.Jonsson (7) 6 K.Bjerre (12) G.Hancock (4) H.Andersen (5) F.Lindgren (10) 7 N.Iversen (16) N.Pedersen (1) C.Harris (11) E.Sayfutdinov (15) 8 T.Gollob (3) G.Walasek (13) R.Holta (8) S.Nicholls (9) 9 F.Lindgren (10) S.Nicholls (9) S.Ulamek (14) N.Iversen (16) 10 R.Holta (8) J.Crump (2) N.Pedersen (1) H.Andersen (5) 11 G.Walasek (13) A.Jonsson (7) E.Sayfutdinov (15) K.Bjerre (12) 12 L.Adams (6) T.Gollob (3) G.Hancock (4) C.Harris (11) 13 C.Harris (11) R.Holta (8) K.Bjerre (12) S.Ulamek (14) 14 H.Andersen (5) L.Adams (6) G.Walasek (13) N.Iversen (16) 15 S.Nicholls (9) E.Sayfutdinov (15) G.Hancock (4) J.Crump (2) 16 A.Jonsson (7) F.Lindgren (10) T.Gollob (3) N.Pedersen (1) 17 S.Ulamek (14) G.Walasek (13) N.Pedersen (1) G.Hancock (4) 18 A.Jonsson (7) H.Andersen (5) C.Harris (11) S.Nicholls (9) 19 E.Sayfutdinov (15) R.Holta (8) L.Adams (6) F.Lindgren (10) 20 J.Crump (2) K.Bjerre (12) N.Iversen (16) T.Gollob (3)
  15. No Lewis Bridger ? I know Ruud has had a few decent scores abroad, but Lewis should be capable of 8 or 9 in this one and I wouldnt bet against Swiderski either. Do 8 go through from each semi final or are their wild cards given to certain riders from the FIM ? If its 8 from this, I will go for Kasprzak, Holder, Zagar, Richardson, Bridger, Swiderski, Pavlic and Kolodiej (or Davidsson)
  16. Everyone picks 5 riders from the list at the start of the season and the points scored by those 5 in the GP's are your total. However the captain you nominate will have his score doubled.
  17. As the meeting is this Saturday and ther is no thread started, I hope you dont mind me starting this one as others are posting on the main thread. I will decide on mine in the next few days
  18. You will have those that buiy programmes because they collect them, but I will not be paying £10 for a programme that gives you info you already know, adverts that are of no interest and columns by ex riders about the line up etc. I will have a scorecard printed out on my PC that will cost me less than 10p and then get it photo copied. Should I want a programme, I will buy one at the track shop the following week for half the price. With the Mrs in tow, I will spend the morning going around town before heading to the PoW around 1pm and then onto the stadium around 3.30pm. Looking forward to it yet again and hopefully a Freddie and Emil 1-2 in the final
  19. This year I will be travelling down to Cardiff with the Mrs who is a non speedway fan, but I wanted her to experience the atmosphere of Speedways big night and the gatherings around the town during the day. As usual, I will be buying my tickets on the day however I have in the past also bought them off people who have spare tickets due to friends or relatives dropping out. So I have started this thread for anyone that wishes to sell on tickets that they no longer require as I would rather help someone out rather than see them go to waste. So please post if you have spare tickets or are looking, like me to pick some tickets up. http://speedwaygp.com/cardiff_09/seatingplan.gif
  20. I looked at a few hotels in Cardiff for Friday 26th and found quite a few with vacancies that night. The Big Sleep was £99 for a double and that was the most expensive option. In the end I saved £84 and bought the Mrs a tent
  21. Emil scored 11 points in the 20 heats, then won his semi-final to put him on 14 points. He then won the final to put him on 20 points. Add 5 in this game for winning the GP and thats 25 points. As a captain, thats 50 points - I thank you
  22. Anyone got any ideas where Nicki could go on his holiday ?
  23. Maybe the two heat wins does put him ahead which would explain it.
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