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Bobbin' Along

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Everything posted by Bobbin' Along

  1. Thanks Sandie - I thought that was what you meant, but it's late now and past my bedtime, so was being a bit dense!
  2. And there was me ready to go "Aaah" Seriously it's a good opportunity for all of them, and much appreciated by the Bobbin' family.
  3. Now I've gotta know who got it! Great to see how much money was raised for a really good cause - good on ya Hans.
  4. Good job I'm a girly - there's just a tad too much oestrogen on this thread!
  5. Ta - I like to know who I'm applauding! 250's - is that the really ickle ones?
  6. I might just sneak in, see if you all look friendly/drunk and sneak back out again! I'll be the one with the brolly... See you there then! EDIT: And if you've ever met Lupus - think brunette version! I'm quite difficult to miss..
  7. Mr Bobbin' and I may very well do that. Where abouts is it again? We normally frequent the City Arms pub right outside the stadium. And how would we recognise any of you (except Shazzybird, obviously...)
  8. Much rather see them than the X-Factor has beens, or Chas and Dave! Who's riding?
  9. As the track is made up over a week or so, hopefully they've been sensible and kept the roof closed as much as possible. Looks like we'll still have a really soggy start line though, 'cos I believe they have to have the roof open a bit for ventilation when they have bikes. I don't care if it's soggy during the day - I'll be nice and dry in the stadium from 5pm on wards, chatting with me mates and having a laugh.
  10. You'll see me, trapped between my in laws, with a look of despair etched all over my face! She'll be the one standing up, yelling abuse at Nicky P everytime he rides past (that'll narrow it down a bit... ) Lower tier again this year, second bend.
  11. I'm not known for my nice comments about Hans - but this time I'll stand and applaud him. Great idea for a good cause. Lets hope a lot of money can be raised.
  12. Ours finally arrived Saturday - but phones lines/broadband both went down from Sunday AM until tonight, so couldn't post! The main problem is that we have 9 tickets - a family of 5 and a family of 4. The numpties at the booking office have put 6 of us on one side of the aisle, and 3 on the other - and we have to use different entrances. They never warned us they would have to do that!
  13. So glad you mentioned the legendary(!) Stephen Rose. I well remember a bunch of went to Kings Lynn one night, Rosie was riding at reserve for us. We all stood there, on teh 2nd bed, chanting ROSIE, ROSIE at the top of our voices. When he came past us, you'd have thought he'd won the world Championship! War cries led by the equally legendary Micky Jones
  14. I wasn't but now if they don't come through mydoor in the next couple of days, I will be!
  15. The thread states hat he and Rune Holta escaped with probable concussion and bruising, but his dad has a broken collarbone. Whuite how they escaped given the state of his plane is beyond me!
  16. Said it before - it's my opinion. And while I may not agree with everyon'es opinion, I will defend to the death their right to hold it, and to voice it. I felt that I was being lambsted for holding an opinion that others don't - what one person finds funny another doesn't. Human nature. As you said - we have to agree to disagree - but that's what friend do hun!
  17. I never heard them mention Kenny at the start of the Sky coverage at all - we guessed that the black armbands would be for him being as notification of his death appeared on the BSPA site. Yep - pits definitey looked bare - except for AJs which had a huge picture of himself in it...
  18. You'd be suprised if you knew me - ask Lupus, Smiffy the Shifter, Dekker, Hagonshocker..... There are just some subjects I don't think should be joked about, that's all. As I said - my opinion. Thanks - that's all I wanted to know!
  19. Guys -what some people find amusing/funny/silly, others do not. Opinions differ and that's what makes us all unique, and the forum special. I promise to "lighten up" if someone can please tell me the real reason behind it. Deal?
  20. And I still don't find it funny. Even slightly, even if it was in the Alan Partridge style.... Anyhow - anyone got the real reason why he's had stitches?
  21. Sorry - didn't see the funny side, still don't. Not big or clever to makes jokes about attempted suicide. Am prepared to believe Ermolenko thought it was a joke - his opinion,not mine.
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