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Mr. Clemens

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Everything posted by Mr. Clemens

  1. I have always been a fan of Nikki and I don't think I wrote anything that suggested otherwise. Re his neck injury, it strikes me that Ward hoped he'd never ride again, has it was said that might be the case. But Nikki being Nikki overcame his problems and his back on a bike again. How deep would that stick in Ward's craw, I wonder ?
  2. Darcey probably thought he was going to play 'Jack the Lad' throughout his career, picking up a few world titles along the way, while putting two fingers up to anyone and everyone. Problem is fate got in the way. The real disturbing aspect of the tweet is that because he's not in a position to do NIkki harm he is, perhaps, suggesting that someone else ought to do it. Someone who Darcey would regard has having the balls to do it, like Darcey himself has and would, hence the little black book.
  3. Reading this thread it appears that the best thing to do if you don't like the product is to not bother watching speedway. Taking low attendances, at British speedway meetings, into consideration, it appears that a lot of people, who once attended speedway in this country, don't like the product.
  4. I think that Tai could actually be the new Ivan Mauger. Strikes me that he is modelling himself on Ivan and how he went about things. Interesting that when he told the anecdote re telling Crump Hancock etc in 2013 stating that he would win 6 world titles and they laughed. The female interviewer seemed to pass by what he said very quickly. You could imagine Tai thinking they still don't believe me but I will show them. Has I am writing this Tai is being interviewed and said that when he was on his A game he could beat 'any of these guys'. In other words he was reiterating that he would win 6 world titles and I still don't think they got the message. But Ivan was determined to be the best and I am sure Tai is dedicated to emulating what Ivan did. Years ago I went to a veteran riders dinner in Coventry and observed Jason Crump talking with Ove Fundin. I was sure Fundin was telling Crump he could achieve what he had achieved. Fundin was the only rider to have finished in the first three 10 years on the trot. Crump was determined to match that feat and did so. I believe Tai with the same determination as Crump, will equal Mauger and TR's record
  5. Despite all that has been said on this thread positive or negative my belief was/is that if he had not have won the title it would have been his own fault. Conversely therefore if did win it then it would been his own fault too. The way he won it has proven that he truly is a great world champion. There are those on here lamenting a Polish world champion. Don't worry there are 3 GPs in Poland, when there are 10 in Poland they will have a world champion every year, which I am sure is the game plan.
  6. In't it weird no one has castigated Nikki P for all the wicked things he's done tonight. Whoops, silly me he hasn't done anything wicked tonight, he must be losing his touch!!!!
  7. I wonder if ref will exclude Hancock for ungentlemanly conduct not letting a Pole pass him???
  8. Amusing how't pundits are debating who should be excluded when it's pretty self evident why't ref excluded wooffie who strangely didn't seem bothered by it all. And folk wonder why speedway is seen as a joke.
  9. is the wooffie exclusion an example of a polish ref fiddling it for a polish rider and folk are suggesting that Poland should have all the GP's. And why not make it that all GP riders are Polish. That should do it. After last seasons World Team Cup Final I said that they should give the title Poland permanently and forget about the WTC, which they duly did by starting that Speedway of Nations cobblers. Perhaps they will take this advice and make it the Polish World Championship GP with a guaranteed Polish world champion. Yep that should do it!!!!
  10. It's damned tedious stuff ain't? Watched a dour local football match this aft that was the epitome of watching paint dry. I actually said 'at least there will be some exciting speedway to watch tonight, to make up for it.' But this ain't it!!!!
  11. Thinking very much the same myself, pretty dull meeting overall
  12. Earlier on pundits said that Laguta was a bit hard on a rider - nothing said Nicki takes a rider to the fence - but leaves him room and the balloon goes up. These wimps need to get a grip.
  13. Not seen a GP for quite awhile. Seemed to me just right that Nikki - my kind of rider - should bring some fire into the meeting
  14. Maybe there hasn't been any word from the BSPA because there isn't any solution they can think of to this dilemma. Therefore there isn't any word because they don't have anything to say.
  15. No I wasn't interested in the rules, has I have said before. I just watched the racing has I wasn't interested in the trivia, has it made no difference to the racing I saw. If those where the rules and the rules alone there wouldn't be any problems. My friend was the expert who told the couple and they agreed he was right I write out the truth of what occurred for if it was not true I would have told you so.
  16. It may have occurred without you noticing but I can only refer you to what I was told Life itself is a fantasy that most persist with
  17. I was told otherwise and those we spoke to came back and apologised as they found it to be true. Why would they do that if that was not so? Surely they would have come back to us and explained the rules of speedway in all their pristine simplicity, to those who did not understand? I am sure you would agree that most people would wish to enlighten those who did not know, as they do all the time on this speedway forum?
  18. I never understood most of them but has it is 40 years ago and all those involved in the conversation - which did happen otherwise why say it did - are deceased, therefore, I am afraid I can't get the detail for you.
  19. We told the person '15 races, 2 riders from each side, 3pts for 1st, 2 for 2nd etc'. But they wanted to know the deeper intricate down home country rules - which you perfectly understood - and we told them not to worry about them as they change them every other week.
  20. Many years ago back at the old shay stadium a man and a woman approached us and told us they were new to speedway and wanted to know the rules. We told them not to worry about the rules as they change them every other week, just enjoy the racing. The couple looked at us and walked off disgruntled. A few weeks later they approached us again to apologise has they had found out that we were correct. From what I have experienced in speedway since I started watching the sport again in 2005 nothing has changed. In fact it is so much the norm now that I believe the whole membership of this hallowed forum would have a mass cardiac arrest if the rules applied were ever well thought out, correct in almost every instance and were adhered to from start to finish.
  21. A credit to speedway in every way. There is no doubt he would have been a top rider in whatever era of speedway.
  22. Saying speedway is a shambles is like saying the sea is full of water
  23. Means nothing to me as I don't know anything about American basketball
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