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Mr. Clemens

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Everything posted by Mr. Clemens

  1. what's the hold up they seem to be dragging their feet here
  2. My copy is usually inside the newspaper I get. I thought it looked a little odd when I flicked through it. I read it properly throughout the week. The 'oddness' I detected gained my attention for, what, almost 5 whole seconds then never gave it another thought till coming on here just now.
  3. Poor last race not in keeping with the rest of the races, but not a bad meeting overall. Best I've seen of these Polish meetings
  4. It is because it's been a good meeting and they could have won it if he performed and they still might
  5. I never saw him ride to be honest, just missed him as I started going in 1971 I just mentioned those 2 names to confuse the masses
  6. That's what it's all about ain't? If you can't have a little argy bargy here and there what's the point. Ove Fundin didn't win 5 world titles without argeybargeeist tactics, nor B Briggs his 4 Nikki is just following in their footsteps If you look at it that way you might sleep easier at night and enjoy your speedway more If you know what I mean, speak to so
  7. Still got it old Nikki ain't? Only thing about this poxy virus is I can't see him at sheffield!!!!
  8. is it raining out there or does it just look as though it is?
  9. Great article by Ove Fundin. Makes you wonder if Ove realises that the youths who spend so much money on all that equipment do so just for show. The highly decorated van indicating to those who don't know anything about speedway, that this must be a highly successful sportsman, famed throughout the motorcycling world. One could imagine those youths reading the article that lists Ove's achievements and the way he (and others) went about it and saying 'yes but we can swan around with all that paraphernalia looking the part, getting all the plaudits, without all that effort you put in'. I don't doubt that this crossed Ove's mind and I don't doubt that he realises that what he has said won't make any difference at all.
  10. Normally I would say not but I was really looking forward to going to Sheffield to see Nikki P I'd even been offered a lift there every week for the season. Was also looking forward to seeing Crump back in action and going to BV now and again but that's how it goes!!!!!
  11. Some of them seem to have trouble keeping their face masks on. They soon put them up when they realise the camera is on them
  12. It must be down to a lack of judgement that doesn't auger well for the club
  13. Pardon the question, but if Bewley doesn't have what it takes to compete in Polish speedway and he 'needs to grow a pair' (and I did read Tai saying that), which it seems to be implied that he is not capable of growing a pair. Why then did the Poles, who must be aware of his pedigree, sign him in the first place??
  14. I have received mine from the newsagents regular as clockwork every Thursday ever since I started with them. There was a newsagents in my town until 2 years ago, when the last one closed down. I received my papers from them for 40 years. I have had the Speedway Star for all of those 40 years. Most of the time the Star came on a Thursday, sometimes it would come on a Friday, very rarely it would come on a Saturday and once in awhile the following Monday. Only once or twice it didn't come at all in all those years. I now receive the Star from the newsagents I have used for the last 2 years and they have delivered the magazine every Thursday without fail, despite the pandemic. No doubt that will be tempting fate.
  15. Do it because it is a worthwhile project plus it might catch the interest of people who don't know anything about speedway. And if it doesn't matter to people in speedway and no one outside of speedway shows any interest, you will soon find out.
  16. Great issue today. Particularly the articles on Eric Linden and the film regarding the Gundersen and Neilsen rivalry. When does that film come out? Will it be in the cinema somewhere or out on DVD?
  17. My wife is heavily involved in the Polish Community, here in the UK. I get to meet a large number of Poles on a regular basis. With every person I have met, I have brought speedway into the conversation. They all shrug their shoulders, laugh and say they are not interested in speedway. I asked a Polish friend, I worked with, if he was into speedway? He also said he wasn't interested and didn't know anyone who was. I told him that every Polish person I had talked with said they weren't interested in speedway and asked him why that was? He said that speedway wasn't has popular in Poland as people might think it is. He said there were places in Poland where it was very popular but on the whole , like most other countries, football is the most popular sport in Poland. One thing is true though, in all the 40 years I have been involved in the Polish community, I have only met one person who was a speedway fan.
  18. While reading the article in this week's speedway star regarding Harry Mcgurk, the same thought sprung immediately to mind.
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