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Mr. Clemens

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Everything posted by Mr. Clemens

  1. That was a good race heat 3 that's how speedway should be - well done
  2. It's always been a totalitarian state people always notice it more in times of stress
  3. Woffie did alright there team riding his man round job done
  4. Word is a lot are happy living in this new world of leisure and are happy with the way the world is going
  5. True or untrue it's still a joke Now Polish speedway is under the microscope it looks just as amateurish as British Speedway
  6. I always thought that Alan Wilkinson, like Bob Kilby, was the epitome of what a speedway should be. A hard solid but fair rider,
  7. He could have walked down the street tripped over a loose paving stone and broken his leg He could have done a hundred things, injured himself and never got near a bike
  8. The Chinese will come to understand, in the fullness of time, just how much resentment there is developing in the world, towards them regarding this business. The Chinese Government seem to believe that they are infallible in all they do. They seem to want the world to think that their all powerful authoritarian totalitarian ways control everything that happens in China. It seems that the general world opinion is that eventually they will become the most powerful economy in the world. It seems that when they are the most powerful economy in the world then their all powerful authoritarian totalitarian ways will control everything that happens in the world. This is were the seams split when the question is asked: ' why is this all powerful authoritarian totalitarian government that controls everything that happens in China, incapable of running an hygienic meat stall. Someone ought to point out to them that if these so called aphrodisiacs worked, we'd all be taking them.
  9. He didn't crash into him sweet he shoved him out of the way. If Vaculic had shoved Zmarzlik you most likely would have said he shoved him out of they way and it was great speedway I know people who have followed speedway for 50 years and still don't know what it's about and I will tell you whatever I wish
  10. And all you can really say is get stuck in Zmarzlik, now you realise what speedway's all about, and give em some more Great Ain't
  11. Now that's what it's all about. A lil but of argey bargy at the start and full blooded all the way round
  12. The meeting started off reasonable but seems to have deteriorated to 'can't be bothered'
  13. Can't say I have been really thrilled by any of the meetings I have seen. There are a number that I haven't seen because they are on too early.
  14. right got ya. There's always a bleedin' catch ain't ???
  15. Got to say it - for me they mess around too much from one race to another The gap between each race is such that, I don't know about anyone else, I am losing if not already lost interest in the meaning In other words they eff about too much. FFS get on with it
  16. The system won't change as they don't have the nous to do it. The result being the continued deterioration of British Speedway
  17. Perhaps Nikki Pedersen is Jose Mourinho or verse visa
  18. Go at 6am like I do when there is no one there except the staff some of whom stand in groups a couple of feet apart. My fave staff member is the guy with the floor cleaning machine, wherever I stop he stops at the side of me, despite the fact the aisle is completely free of people. But other than those little anomalies it's a shoppers paradise at that time
  19. Right I was having an in depth conversation re Covid 19 when I realised nowt was happening - with both situations
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