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Mr. Clemens

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Everything posted by Mr. Clemens

  1. The other week it was suggested that the Sheffield was crap and dangerous, though it's been running trouble free meetings for over 50 years This week it's the Leicester track that's crap. A month ago it was the Ipswich track that was crap. Strikes me that the NSS track is the only track that's worth riding on Perhaps they should close all the other tracks and have all teams riding the NSS They would have meetings every night of the week and be rolling in it That should do it.
  2. Pity it was crap but we knew what to expect before we turned it on
  3. Great how the Aces are rubbing in how crap the Lions are
  4. I think it should be enshrined in the rule book that Bomber must be in every final. Riding for each team in their home leg !!!!
  5. I have been to world finals home and abroad. Been to GPs home and abroad In the 54 years I have followed speedway this must be the most pointless meeting I have ever seen
  6. The writing is on the wall I wonder what that means ????
  7. The interesting thing is that Kelv and Chris seem surprised as to how it's going I said BV would win it because they WANT it and they have come with that determination And no one should think otherwise
  8. Crump Pedersen Rickardsson Hancock falling over themselves to declare zmarzlik the goat A 90 year old Swedish bloke chuckling to himself
  9. Why did you win after scoring 3 points. Bartoz chuckles to himself and says 'It's because everyone else is crap and I'm not Dobzre Wieture Torun
  10. Kelv ' I can't say enough about zarmzlik I think we've noticed that kelv
  11. What kelv doesn't seem to be able to grasp is that zarzmlik needs only to win one race and that is the last one
  12. Kelv 'how did he manage that chris? No idea Kelv It must be because he's a 5 times world champion Do you think so kelv?? Yes I do chris
  13. Get ready for kelv cacking himself when Bartoz confounds his critics and wins this GP
  14. Kelv once again emotionally upset that Bartoz is not doing too well, especially as he is the goat.
  15. They won't exclude a Pole at home. Perish the thought Ref probably thought Bewlas doing nowt anyway
  16. Truth be told if BV win and I think they will they did it at Sheffield last thursday
  17. If the weather is equally bad on thursday then Leicester can return the favour
  18. Not complaining just thinking they ought to get on with it when it's raining as it is Taking into consideration what happened with Ben Cook last week
  19. It was odds on BV would knock up a cricket score 20 points at least that's my bet Not bad Only 2 points out
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