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Everything posted by Lis

  1. I thought Nicki would do summat tonight to defend his 3rd place and that crump would celebrate with a win how wrong can one be
  2. Hans and me will be back next year Taking the oppertunity to thank steve for running this comp *drum roll* well done that man
  3. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnns ...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jason Crump watch yer back next year!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Hans that was one heck of a good semi and final,well deserved oohh so well deserved........... (sorry for the sillyness hehe )
  4. Oohh my word what a world class 2nd semifinal win from Hans!!! simply world class ...Come on Hans and win it!!!
  5. Congrats to Jason, but not to many more to come ,Hans will make it very difficult for him next year
  6. And heat 10 please,i lost track and my pen due to heavy swearing
  7. AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! FFS Referee you are a disgrace nothing less than a disgrace,how can this muppet be a head referee is beyond me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Yep he is..Seen it again and it should have been all 4 back ,nicki said it's always the same with the polish refs,nothing new there...
  9. Hmmmm that was the speediest speedy speedy recovery i have ever seen but did Nicki really touch lee??? from the camera view coming from the outside it didn't look as if he touched him????
  10. Poor Lee Richardson ,here's hoping it's not to serious with his injury, have a speedy recovery!!...
  11. Anybody know if this is on tv/streaming anywhere???ta
  12. No i could not se Hans is in the wrong !!!! i ment that no matter what happent loads of people would come on here and have a go at Hans again!!! Well done referee you were right to exclude Scotty..
  13. I just cannot wait for the posts on here now, take cover everyone the "anti Hans" brigade will be coming out now!!!!!!!!
  14. BIG congrats to Nicki, it sounded like a mission impossible in the last heat!!!!!!!! i would like to see that video so hopefully someone will put it on the net soon!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Good on him to call it quit, better safe than sorry.. Thanks for some cracking good moments in speedway and i wich him all the very best in the future.....
  16. Yep,and what a heat 12 that was wow!!!!!!!! Good speedway even though the rain has poored down earlier,i like this track! As a dane tonight is also just pure joy
  17. I'll agree with that specially the love him bit
  18. Cheers hope he will be ready,it won't be the same if hes not there...
  19. You posted this in the competition thread, do you know summat regarding Jason that we don't???? "Steve can i change mine please just incase Jason isnt riding to 3000 on Hans Andersen please cheers"
  20. Errmm Yes .. Roll on saturday and GP speedway,really looking forward to this one!!
  21. That was my whole poin't i might have put it in a wrong way,but that's what i ment with saying no reply's yet
  22. 12 people have so far read this thread and no reply?? I'm over it now, s**t happens and it did for Hans with that unfair disqualfication in heat 18!!!!!!!!!!!
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