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Odds On

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Everything posted by Odds On

  1. read most of the comments on here, some good some bad and some indifferent!...but for me both tracks have their quirks, both teams have their fans favourites but overall both teams served up an absolute spectacle for the fans, its an old cliche but the winner was speedway.
  2. do people on here actually think and read what they post before posting?!
  3. two ways of looking at this, now i would imagine there aren't many promoters if any making a profit out of the sport, so where does that golden egg come from?...we all know riders deserve a good crust for their bravery etc...however i think the day will come when a rider will not be able to do a deal for x amount each week/meeting/point...now lets say if the income average £5000 per meeting, the expenditure was £2000 per meeting that leaves £3000 profit per meeting, the promoter takes roughly 25% the remainder is spread then between the riders....any other way then the promoter see's himself in the position they are in now...offering good money in February only to find out in June they have done their proverbials...
  4. just to add, did you know that a well known tyre manufacturer had a chip in tyres that showed when a rider is/was overweight.
  5. ifs buts and maybe's.....the long and short of it is, if you do not provide a specimen when asked to, whether its your first or hundredth then it should be treated as a failure...it isn't rocket science folks.
  6. The negativity on here is unbelievable...Dan Bewley coming in for some uncalled for comments, people moan when top class riders dont ride here, yet when they do they cop abuse! Belle Vue is by far the best track to hold this event at.....instead of the negativity turn the glass up the other way round!
  7. no not at all. There has always been rumours within the sport, model airplane fuel, big carbs,, titanium rods etc etc.
  8. i know this has been brought up in previous seasons!....are some riders finding a helpful edge over their rivals by using illegal equipment?
  9. a really enjoyable meeting. I also enjoy listening to Kelvin and Scott, very interesting and their insight knowledge of the sport is certainly a real bonus.
  10. some people talking as if its Tai's first rodeo in the UK with all the new rules etc....me thinks he'll do okay, possibly not on a par with Jack Holder, but certainly double figures.
  11. yes i would agree that the track hasn't cut up, however the entertainment served up because of track preparation has been poor, very poor. Ata the end of the day what is the point of holding the event if people aren't being entertained?
  12. The track is renowned for being one of the best in the world, yet you would hardly think that looking at the last two meetings this week around it. Seems a normal GP track, smooth, lack of grip, one line which all equates to a total non event entertainment wise.
  13. If ever there was an advert why speedway has this follow the leader stigma, look no further than tonight's WC Team event, track was a disgrace from the very first race, tyre packed to resemble a main road, literally one line. Entertainment value probably 4 out of 10, Tai Woffinden certainly expressed his disgust at the track, not sure who was responsible for it(home track staff or SGP) but surely they can see no one wants a slick one line track, not riders or fans? Stadium was empty and no disrespect to anyone but seen more at Mass on a Sunday morning.
  14. Interesting to see that ARC have put in planning permission for a greyhound track at the horse track in the City, surely this cannot be good news for the future of speedway in Wolverhampton?
  15. so do you think taking a drugs test is optional in speedway?..simple yes or no would suffice in your answer.
  16. Totally different. The jab was always an option, drug testing isn't!
  17. Obviously posting on here is like preaching to the converted...but lets be honest the sport in general in terms of actual racing/passing has gone down hill rapidly.. Classic examples are the Speedway GP's, meant to be the highlight of all the top riders performing to a worldwide audience, ye the tracks are in general abysmal, packed and packed so that they resemble a road surface, yet the outcome is a boring track, give them something to race on, not just one line where if you dare to look for grip on the outside you are punished.
  18. failing to take a drugs test is as bad as failing one, end of.
  19. it seems nowadays tracks are prepared to be smooth, virtually no grip, lack of shale etc...speedway is in the entertainment business and guess what all those ingredients for todays tracks do not give entertainment. Lets look at Saturdays Swedish GP, the only real highlights were the crashes. There will be those that disagree but todays tracks are basically made for the start tarts in the sport,
  20. Jack Holder over 9 is the bet for me tonight.
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