King has been a loyal servant and time he moved on has been said for atleast the last 5 seasons,, but he's still here😂
He's been leaving the same hole up the inside for decades,, he still does that aswell🤷
The Foxhall track has never been the best for entertaining racing,, although in my opinion it's now worse since the track alterations years ago. When the track is bad it's really bad for entertaining racing,, and when it's good, it's slightly better. Having riders like Doyle and Emil have certainly papered over the cracks the last few years. They have certainly added a bit of polish to what is one of the worst turds in all the league racing wise. Strangely though some think it's fantastic when you read comments on various club social media.
Personally I think it's a good idea trying to follow what works in other motorsports,, it will make qualifying a touch more interesting and worth something extra.