We are so lucky having our own thread starter.
Would Hackney be classed as premier league when Louis and Loram raced for them? If so, then they are my choices
Edinburgh put together an all conquering team with a number 1 with even a much higher average. As long as most of the other riders have improvement in them its not really a problem
Wouldn't think Barker would be back at Ipswich, as he isn't exactly great around our track, tungate is better round foxhall, although way way way less entertaining.
I also don't think king would up that average, but what he can do is make passes, something tungate doesn't do very often, and over a season those passes are very important and can make all the difference between getting points or not, especially on the road
With people discussing if king would be a good number 1 in the premier league, just goes to show how good and competitive the league is right now. Let's hope the elite league boys don't try and ruin it with more stupid rules they probably come up with at the conference.
Well if he doesn't know and has no intention of staying on, why do a piece.Anyway, I take it we are looking for a new team manager too then. So apart from myself, who else you make a good team manager?
So which rider is the most likely to not feature for us next season out of this reasons team? Although I would like him to stay, I think it will be Worrall out and replaced by a lower averaged rider.
Sorry folks, I'm just bored.
Maybe speedway will be like Wade, look dead and buried then make an amazing comeback and celebrate in the other sports faces.
Maybe speedway should invest in some walk on girls
I don't think it matters what they do, the crowds will keep dropping and team speedway as we know it will eventually cease to exist, unless something is radically changed, and I mean radically.
But if it was cut to 13 do you think the admission would be lowered, don't think so. Although I would like to see more races, the current format works fine.
No wonder Ipswich struggled to win anything when push came to shove. We only managed to have one rider in Barrowboys end of season top 20, which took in the last 10 meetings. Only Worrall managed to make the top 20,, at number 19.