Missing Danny and gino at home is a problem. Missing Danny at Peterborough is a problem but missing gino at Peterborough may Be a bonus. Not one of his finest tracks so far. I doubt any guest could equal Danny's at either track. So I would imagine we will lose at Peterborough but should be okay against Newcastle.
I wouldn't bother picking out this and that. It's just a case of some will think he hasn't done the greatest of jobs and some will think he has done alright. It's all about opinions. Same as opinions about rider performances.
So we should start moving up the table now. the next few home matches should be wins, first real test at home will be against Edinburgh mid July.
Superblue. On nico. I think it was lucky that the big brown envelope was offered to us.
If only we had meetings like that on Bank holidays when the crowds the biggest. good Win, Very entertaining, but Redcar have a truly awful team that we should be beating like that. let's wait and see how we perform against some top opposition.
Yeah but that's one of the excuses that will be used for a crowd that seems to be already getting smaller each week. The rose tinted wearers of ipswich love a good excuse.