Totally agree with that also, we certainly don't have the same will to win as some others have. Mix it all up and I think the nails have been firmly hit on the heads.
Trouble with klindt is he is another gating tart and after a few spells in the prem league still hasn't done any better. A reasonable team though with enough room for improvement.
Would Wilson dean be a 3 or 5 point average or even a 7? The name of Worrall is coming up a lot. Would he even want to ride for the witches again? And kerr would be a massive risk, although I hope someone does take it.
We could see even more missing riders next year with belle vue also becoming another Friday track. We really need to pick our double up riders carefully. Although it will be even harder for premier league Friday tracks.
Well it's all about opinions really. I think he could do a reasonable job for the panthers though. And he has said he won't be back with the witches next season.