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Everything posted by Baldyman

  1. Going by some pictures I've seen its probably easy enough to work out which one. And I think Danny's bike covers may give it away as well.
  2. If it's important to have the sponsors colours on board then surely it was even more important to get all the suits the sponsors colour?
  3. Some of them nearly do now. There was a picture taken with guy nicholls yesterday with 3 riders and his vans. The 3 riders had the mustard yellow suits on which is trucks and tippers r us colours.
  4. I think both sets of team suits look great. I do like some nice bright suits to add some colour. As for the new witch logo, the amazing new modern design is cutting edge. Wow what a great transformation. Should bring the punters flooding back.
  5. I don't think it was ever gonna line up any other way really. I fancy ipswich to win this but I don't think it's gonna be thrashing.
  6. Question for jaybea. What colour are the replica shirts going to be? Luminous or mustard?
  7. Oh no, not this green and yellow thing again
  8. Did that have it's big re launch today?
  9. Thank you very much. I think I'm quite rare, a speedway fan that actually rides motorbikes.
  10. Going by tru7 logo, I would say the mustard yellow ones are right and the luminous yellowy green ones wrong.
  11. My old suzuki was a lovely yellow😉. My new one though is black and carbon. Hope they don't copy that. And where have you been looking to see that bike? Twitter? It's the new game to keep us entertained during the meeting, it's called 'guess who"
  12. But why? They keep talking about making it more professional, and they can't even get the race suits the same colour. Even my Sunday league team where the same colour shirts and shorts. Now he is racing for ipswich they won't be rollers just perfect starts😉Oh and I wonder which yellow is meant to be the right yellow? Anyone know?
  13. So what's the difference between new and old witch? Looks pretty much the same to me. I do like the luminous yellow and paco's looks okay to, although Danny's is far more eye catching So there are 5 luminous and 3 normal yellow. Only in speedway:-S
  14. Maybe there is a reason for that superblue. We look okay but I don't think anything special unless sarjent carries on improving as fast as he has done. It could take paco a good few meetings to get round a foxhall bend.
  15. Big? Big to to 20 people that may look on there.
  16. It's just when you read it it says new website comimg up in new year, leading me to believe this interview was last year
  17. That may be a piece from a while ago?
  18. I couldnt tell you anyone that plays for man United apart from the one that looks like a potato, but I'm a biker into all forms of motorsport, speedway being my favourite, followed very closely by other bike sports. Guy martin is a total legend.
  19. What time does stadium open? Best looking line up for a bend fund meeting for quite a few years.
  20. Some pole dancing would be nice.and no I don't mean some random Polish bloke either. Didn't realise the new website still isn't new. I very very rarely look.
  21. Didn't Chris mention a while back that there will be new entertainemt during the meeting for the fans this season? Not long to find out what that is. I was just thinking what kept me going as a youngster and teenager, and I think it was girls lol.
  22. That's one thing I've always hated about speedway, the awful music, and listening to some of those tracks on you tube reminds me that I hated it way back then also. Even now though I think the music is poor and bland, but I guess it's meant to enjoyed by the majority not the minority. I still belive it could be brought up to date a bit more even though it's not to my taste. How do the club attract the youngsters? Mr beerhut, what does your son like and dislike about speedway?
  23. Wouldn't mouldy old dough be more for banger racing? Right here right now by fat boy slim. I had to you tube all your other ones to know what they are.
  24. Let's hope paco and Daryl gets some laps in as they may need them. Both the scunthorpe riders know their way around ipswich very well. And in wilko they must have the best reserve in the league.
  25. Can the car park at the old stadium not be used? Or are they pulling that down.
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