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Everything posted by Baldyman

  1. Can ya get dynamite in poundland? And did I mean bazoo? Something zoo anyway
  2. Must be able to get a yazoo from poundland. The instrument not the singer. Then the only way is up baby
  3. I am also ambidextrous. I can do nothing with both hands.🙌
  4. Aggro at foxhall lol, did locals threaten to cut you down with their scythes?? Or chase you round a field in their tractors?? Remember them, he used to have one.
  5. And how do they do that clap exactly? Winning would be good, being entertained whilst on the way to a win even better. More than anything though..is i want to see some riders in my team that try their hardest like barker in a way. I don't like to see my riders being overtaken so easily and then not chasing them back down. A couple of times on Sunday both our riders were passed on the same corner. I want riders that know how to use their elbows to the first turn.
  6. Yeah I might be there I might not, depends on if my hair needs a wash or not. As it's each to their own and all that.
  7. Let's hope this season isn't so bad that it finishes the club off forever.
  8. Some hard to answer questions there sb. Just hope you guys get to watch some decent speedway before the season is finished.
  9. How many more must win meetings have we got left before we are finally put out of our misery?
  10. Luckily the rockets have a lanham in their team and a karger. That's always gonna help the witches.
  11. One of them is interested in swapping leagues with another club? Say ipswich and Mildenhall for example, that means ipswich in national league? Why would they want to do that? Don't like the idea of that at all. Let's hope they don't have the winning bid.
  12. I thought the witches riders put their heart and soul into their performance, but unfortunately and as often is the case, the scorpions had far more heart and lots more soul. A very well run meeting by the ref and scunthorpe management.
  13. I don't think they care much for ipswich after last year.
  14. I do need a transplant though lewy.....a hair transplant😂 I was only jesting too, I'm very light recently. A few weeks away from speedway and I feel a lot better and positive and can't wait to get to scunthorpe tomorrow for a big away win.
  15. Looks like I can't win whatever I say.
  16. That's why ipswich made sure we got knocked out early, to concentrate on the big prize, just don't ask how that's going😉
  17. Are you sure? Cos we have been worse than bang average. That's all about to change though. See ya in the play offs
  18. What I don't quite understand is., if the club was up for sale, wouldn't it be best if it was said it was. You wouldn't sell your house without advertising it, so it's then got its biggest audience. Some say nicholls is interested and some say he isn't. Someone somewhere has obviously got some bull shat they are telling others. As for next year I would like to see new fans faces. New ways to attract those fans and incentives to keep the ones that are already there whilst always attracting new ones. To put on a whole evenings entertainemt that people will want to keep coming back to watch time after time.
  19. Let's hope he does better than last visit anyway. He was really really bad!
  20. So 2 divisions of equal standard. Can have proper promotion and relegation play offs
  21. Just to play devils advocate, what if said business man doesn't want to take club into elite league?
  22. You mean once a month then, if ya lucky.
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