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Everything posted by Baldyman

  1. Thanks James appreciate it😀 you are always welcome to join us like everyone else
  2. Here And the ones not on here on Thursday
  3. He got paid off😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉or maybe a hangover
  4. From the results I've seen it looks like the panthers dropped their panties and had them completely soiled
  5. I'm an Essex boy me, more likely to roll my xr3i
  6. Dan only scored 2 from 5 last visit.but has obviously improved a lot since then I think we need at least a 16 point lead to try and defend. Can we get that? It's gonna be tough. Need lots of 5.1 from morten and nico
  7. It's been sponsored by Jim Lawrence so no cost for trophy, but probably just the name plate engraving. It's been made by one of the chaps that sit behind us. Maybe there should be a few to present it?
  8. The panthers should race against the Lynn nl team, they may have a chance in that one😉😉😉
  9. I don't know why you are wasting your time. Just don't bother, it's easier that way
  10. My favourite chip shop has to be the one in Wolverhampton where they cook the chips then batter them and fry them again. Since it's last minute rush just the one trophy this year I would imagine I remember that race well. I was in the pits that night
  11. I think presenter should get special one to, but obviously would have to get his name wrong😉😉😉😉
  12. Don't know and ain't got a clue, just what I've been told Anyway, my vote is for morten
  13. Apparently there is being a trophy made. For next season I would like to see certificates for unusual awards, like best crash, best destroyer of tapes, best pass, best save.
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