It's funny you say that, it has been mentioned about calling the area we sit, the cauldron, so it would be a cauldron of noise😉😉😉. I specifically asked someone to ask you what you' thought, being a wise and sensible one.
Belle vue had a new track and they finished top of the league. I think some fans like to watch good racing, instead of runaway home wins. I want to see the racers in my team be able to do what they do best, make passes.
Well it's not guaranteed to change, but a few have said the current name sounds like a group of teenagers with their jeans hanging low and their baseball caps back to front down the skate park. And does it need a name? It's open to everyone so maybe it's time to lose the bsf. It was just something a few had been talking about. What happens from here who knows.
I have noticed the noise is starting to gather pace all round the stadium now, even if we still get some strange looks. I'm guessing some still like deadly quiet.
Even if this was to happen, the admission would never drop.
If the points limit drops, having a high average number one could really affect the strength of a team.