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Everything posted by Baldyman

  1. Oh hang on a minute, I've been touting Rory for ages, but now others want him signed 😉😉😉😉. We have a good chance of putting a good team, but will we?? Chris always seems to put at least one 'what the hell' rider in his teams
  2. I even think he is on a lower average, and I will guess at cheaper. There would be a few I would like to see before nicholls I'm sure a few would like to see Scott as a witch again, but I think it would be a mistake. I would like Rory, but some won't like that. It's all opinions. Oh and no Jacobs either please
  3. I don't want to say it, but I'm fearing the worst for next season team already.
  4. No, we don't talk speedway. It was all about a fuel taps misspent youth last time
  5. If no Danny at 1 then cook would be best choice wouldn't he?
  6. How much are tru7 paying for the plugging Maybe tru7 could sponsor us with a hoody or jacket
  7. Are you eating?? If not, can I recommend the Chinese opposite the inn. Voted the best Chinese around. Can I say a massif congratulations 🎊 to pob and Mrs pob on their marriage.
  8. Just out of interest, let's think big.....what average would woofy and lindback be??
  9. He didn't achieve a 3 though as didn't do enough meetings to get an average
  10. Not many local meetings this season
  11. Why don't you work it out, and cook will come back on his current avarage
  12. Will Hume be a 2 point man as he didn't achieve a 3?? and welcome to the championship
  13. I think his comments were clearly tongue in cheek
  14. That's okay sue. Won't be there myself, was just moving it just in case some ehadn't seen it. Most of us met the other week for a nice sit down meal, which will be happening again soon
  15. Big night tonight, don't miss it folks Thought I'd bring it back to life, since it had fallen off the first page
  16. I thought they were watering down the league. An ex gp rider isn't watering it down. With a lower points limit, Harris would be a big chunk gone
  17. because teams will be weaker doesn't mean things like rent will go down. The cost to a club will still be the same.
  18. Oh how I've missed looking on an elite league thread, oh my bad, ex elite league. Hasn't he already said he is staying??? Or did I miss read that
  19. You obviously class a trick track different to me. but that's okay. We all have different opinions, and on what a trick track is. What I will agree with though is the times I've been to Rye this season, the track has been the best I've ever seen it and the racing the best I've seen it. And I agree the racing at Ipswich is really poor. And this year worse than ever.
  20. Could be interesting as don't Poole and Somerset normally share riders?? Or is it Somerset and Swindon?? I bet Somerset put together a pretty decent team cos riders will want to ride the track, could the same be said of Rye house??, not so sure Nicolas king and Kennett at Rye???
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