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Everything posted by Baldyman

  1. I didn't see anything wrong with any of it, but I do like good hard racing with the riders throwing the bikes at one another.
  2. If you change more then one rider it has to fit below the points limit.
  3. Was the only proper race of the night. I hope all the injured riders are back to full fitness very soon.
  4. Wonder how auty will go tonight. Never pulled up many trees on the older tracks, but it's definitely more grippy this season with the extra clay
  5. Come on flappy, maybe it's time you changed your name to Cool calm and collected.
  6. If Shanes rides as well as he did for us, Newcastle could take all 4 points
  7. I was on the caramel wafers thank you very much😁😁. Also as amazingly yummylicious Maybe rob should bring some Lincolnshire sausages from his homeland
  8. If our heat leaders are as bad as last week it's gonna be close because the nielsen factor. I'm hoping they will not be as bad and Danny has sorted his clutch issues out. Also hoping that our reserves can at least their other reserve. Maybe this is the week that mountain overcomes his fears of our track.
  9. Just out of interest. What do people think of the track changes so far? Has it made any difference to the racing?
  10. Yeah amazing. He beat someone that fell off and someone that almost fell off. Anyway. He is definitely the best of what was out there, and he will get our full support I'm sure. And if he can score a few points now and then, then he has done his job
  11. Looks like 2 camps in the panthers fans ranks. Lambert to stay and lambert to go. Unless someone better out there which is an obvious choice, Ayres maybe? If not you have to stick with lambert, as he is better than what he is currently showing.
  12. Not many options out there to replace Bacon as Ipswich are finding out with replacing hume. Maybe need to make more than one change.
  13. Any news on how long Danyon may be out for?? If all season its gonna be tough for us to make play offs I think.
  14. I recon the panthers are serious contenders for the tittle. It all seems to be going their way
  15. Well they don't make very good agents if they keep getting them in😉
  16. As soon as the current 2 pointers are not 2 pointers anymore then we will have issues. You are then asking the top 5 to score ten each every meeting basically and that's not going to happen every week
  17. He is contracted to do the grasstrack events as far as I'm aware
  18. Of course everyone has been looking at him, best 2 pointer out there by miles. Don't know when his average changes but I would imagine that was the only time we could have used him. Mountain needs to change something drastically at foxhall, cos once his confidence has gone, it's hard to get back. He is starting to look more cautious every meeting at home.
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