Panthers are now my title favourites, plenty of time to pull back the points on the top 4. I can't imagine any team not wanting oyster as a 5th rider in averages
The person responsible for promoting the ipswich witches brand has told you to stay at home lol?????
The racing has been pretty spread out, with some riders struggling to turn their bikes. I believe I have a rough idea about what it takes to prepare a bike ready for racing..and the hours of commitment needed.
He is the ipswich brand manager
Updates are sent from someone at the stadium to someone else that puts the info onto a site
At foxhall normally sue or myself
I'm not saying cancel it, I'm just not going cos it doesn't look very appealing to me. Add in to that lack of good racing recently and I'm well put off. Its like going shopping and something is on the shelf to be purchased, if the ingredients don't look great and it's packaging has been below par, I choose not to buy it.
I've turned up almost every week for the last 41 years, and it's now finally sunk in that I don't have to.
Now if the racing this season had been edge of the seat stuff, then I probably would have still been there last week and this week. From my prospective it hasn't been great, some may think it's been brillian, who knows.
I think the nice weather may be even more reason to stay away? Anyway should be at least 3 races with passes in tonight as it's going up 1 a week. I shall cast the occasional eye over updates whilst sitting in my locals beer garden with a few cold ones. Hope it's a good meeting for you guys.
Got to get them into the stadiums before they can see it, and as we already know, that's not going to happen. There are reasons why I don't go to football or rugby or basketball or ice hockey, and any other sport I don't go and watch..just the same reason as other people don't go to speedway.