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Everything posted by Baldyman

  1. Worky normally start at 7 I think. Maybe we should try and get all the posters on here to meet before the meeting. A big forum gathering. Ya never know, maybe the kind people at the club may let us all watch a race from the centre😁 okay I may be pushing my luck but ya never know unless you ask👍
  2. Might give this a look before heading back home. So that's one extra.
  3. Maybe some clubs are scared of offering a lower entrance fee, just in case they lose money?? And if it worked for belle vue, which it obviously did, do they now do it every week, or was it a one off?? I'm gonna guess at one off and the crowd is back to be its usual. So that begs the question, why didn't they carry it on, ya never know, some may have stayed in the habit? Who knows. could speedway work as a tenner sport?? I can't ever remember the club I follow ever giving a penny off.
  4. Strange sport speedway. My team are doing well and I've more or less stopped going. I think I've been to one of the last eight.
  5. Could invite the Norwich mascot, that might liven it up
  6. It is strange that even when it's free not many people take up the offer. Once the die hard lemmings are gone, so is league speedway, and looking at most crowds, most die hards are very much on their way to being gone .
  7. You have to give people incentives to go, having a good racetrack isn't always the incentive. Speedway tracks are years behind in trying to get people into stadiums.
  8. I do try to. I like to upset as many people as I can everyday😉 There will be other tracks closed way before the panthers close.
  9. I'm sure you will be running next year, let's hope so, brilliant track. Torun money should last 5 years apparently😉
  10. Looks like they are doing better than normal. The Harris Effect.
  11. The bloke on the mic has a boring voice, that don't help, then on some of the back straight you can't hear him anyway, which some would say is a bonus, and there are a reasonable amount of fans thet don't like much noise, as it ruins their concentration on their knitting.
  12. So what's he doing to get that annount or more? Words on a press release are not enough all the time.
  13. Someone best tell Olivia that her boyfriend is a bit of a player..chatting up other women on line, pretty cringy
  14. He stayed at a hotel silly you. As long as his girlfriend Olivia doesn't find out about the other girl he chats up on twitter it shouldn't be to awkward. A bit of a player he is. Luckily I had a chat with other girl earlier, and she said she already knew he is a lying so and so.
  15. It doesn't matter Steve, apparently a blatant liar, a troll and someone having many alias is acceptable on this forum. Its a bit like modern speedway, a total farce and shambles.
  16. It's your home matches you should be saving your money on. Cos your leader is expecting you to shut up and pay up whatever he does. And then tell you it's good for you.
  17. Don't make excuses for the non stop lying person. Its about time the mods on here actually done something about it.
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